That’s right. Facebook found this picture taken by Seana Berglund (of Ruthie’s placenta) to be in violation of their ethics. How? I don’t know. It is awesome! I honestly am laughing. I’m not surprised. I have seen this happen to many pages. While I have been careful what pictures I post on Facebook, posting the rest on my blog instead,…
The Rad Placenta
I was recently banned from posting on BWF and personally on Facebook for this placenta picture taken by Seana. I was also warned that next time, pages and profiles might be deleted. There is nothing stating in any Facebook policies that organs are violating any rules. We all know there are many obscene pictures that do violate policies and are…
The Big Bad Epidural
The Natural Birth Community is quick to say, “Don’t do it! You can do it without it! An Epidural is dangerous! It is evil and causes problems!” Mostly, this is true. You CAN do it naturally and Epidurals do come with risks to mom and baby. There are studies, personal experiences and more that show Epidurals are a drug, has…
The Beauty of Tattoos, Mothers, Fathers and Their Babies
A few months back, I posted on the BWF page (after sharing a picture) that there is just something sexy about a man who is tatted up and supporting his woman in labor. Well, that led into a full blown discussion and love for our BWF moms and dads with ink. It was followed by this post and a follow…
Ellen DeGeneres! Doulas Singing in the Bathroom Just For You!
Xylina and her sisters and made this silly video to hopefully get on Ellen and spread the news that doulas make birth better! They filmed it in the bathroom just like Ellen does with her musical guests! Hope you enjoy!
A ‘Healthy’ BWF Giveaway with Fit2B Studio and Healthy Moms Kitchen
Sign up for a FREE 4-week Jumpstart and WIN a year of healthy transformation! Healthy Moms Kitchen and Fit2B Studio who have combined services to create the 4-week Jumpstart to YOUR healthy transformation, a program designed specifically for MOMS like you! The package that you will win makes you a FULL member of Fit2B studio and My Healthy Transformation. You…
In the News: Footling Breech Twin Boys…Born ‘A Year Apart’!
I have seen and both heard about this story. I finally read it and realized why. Not only were these twin boys born on different days of different years, but they were born completely natural and BOTH boys were born feet first. Two footling breech babies. Nowadays that is rare as many care providers are not skilled in catching breech…
Twins, Born with Their Own Head, Brain and Spinal Cord, but Share a Body
I recently came across this article about a Brazilian mother who birthed her twins by cesarean. Her twins were born with their own brains and spinal cords and sharing a body. “Maria de Nazare, 23, gave birth to the twins by C-section at a hospital in Anajas, in Brazil’s northern Para state. She has named them Emanoel and Jesus because…
How Co-sleepers Do It…
Here are more pictures of BWF Families cosleeping! Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, you can read more about safe cosleeping suggestions here. If you don’t like what you see, keep it to yourself. Everyone else…enjoy! Mother fills in a missing ingredient. “In the early months, much of a baby’s night is spent in active sleep—the state in…