That’s right. Facebook found this picture taken by Seana Berglund (of Ruthie’s placenta) to be in violation of their ethics. How? I don’t know. It is awesome!
I honestly am laughing. I’m not surprised. I have seen this happen to many pages. While I have been careful what pictures I post on Facebook, posting the rest on my blog instead, it still happened. The picture was removed, I was banned from posting for 24 hours and told if I ‘violate’ again, my whole profile/page can be deleted. Two years of work in the page and supporting women. Gone, just like that, if they want.
On one hand, I find it frustrating, but on the other hand, I get it. Facebook owns Facebook. Just as I can ban someone on my page, Facebook can ban who they want. We are using it for free, as guests, and can be kicked out at anytime. I can respect that. Do I like it? No. But I get it.
This has actually been on my mind lately, as I watch other natural and birth pages put in time out or detention and even scolded or deleted. I’m not surprised it is my turn. The thing is, this is MY blog and it is not going anywhere. BWF is now a strong community of women that inform and support each other in TTC, pregnancy, labor, birth, post partum, breastfeeding, parenting, womanhood and more!
I have asked myself what to do to ensure Facebook does not have control over our community of women (and some dads) and Birth Without Fear. There have been many ideas thrown around and this slap on the hand has made us (myself and my husband) decide.
I will continue to blog, but Facebook will not, can not, be the main source of our community. Women supporting women can not happen freely there. We propose a private BWF Forum. Not only can we share openly and safely, but with less drama. Only those that really want to be part of the BWF Family will be there. Also, you can post your own questions for support. I can’t tell you the anxiety I can let go of knowing my emails will significantly decrease (I currently receive 20-100/day)! We have had a forum sitting there for months, time to get it up and going. Give us a few days and we will launch it!
Will this change the dynamics of BWF a bit? Yes, but I say, let’s do this! Let’s take this lemon and make some kick ass lemonade!!!!
*What can you do? Other than everyone deleting Facebook, which won’t happen, you can sign this petition. See you on the BWF Forums soon!
Well, apparently FB doesn’t like the thumbnail version either as I got this notice:
The photographer also had the picture removed and a warning…
Ridiculous much?
Ha! there is a nasty gang group on facebook somewhere that I happened across…it was full of very graphic pictures of people who the gang had murdered brutally, whole families even, and babies.
I reported them, and only the pictures of genitilia were removed.
They need to change their priorities a bit.
People fear what they don’t know… it’s sad.
I have signed the petition, keep up the good work BWF as you are such an inspiration and wherever you choose to hold your community will be beneficial.
done I just signed the petition.
Trina Mart
I find it sad that in the US who is what 3rd in infant mortality rate is so against educating about such natural things. im not gonna say that the placenta itself is a “beautiful” thing but it is remarkable and like I video I once watched the unsung hero! I do however find this photograph beautiful because it shows how intricate this organ is. thank you for keeping it on your blog I hope that through my schooling I can learn more about our unsung hero!
Maggie R.
Sad. That picture is stunning!
All I can think of when I see this AMAZING photo is, LIFE SUPPORT!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!
so, i thought the placenta was a liquid that came out of you when the baby was born. until i saw these (no offense) disturbing yet interesting images i had no idea what a placenta really was.
Mine was banned too!
No, the ridiculous thing is that they allow pornographic photos & other terrible photos to stay on FB yet remove breastfeeding & birth photos. It’s screwed up. If you find something like THIS offensive, unlike the darn page. Pornographic shots of naked women showing up on my news feed? That’s offensive. SMDH
That is a beautiful picture! First thought to my mind was: “Tree of Life”. Such a shame FB took it down.
I would love to sign the petition, but I don’t want MoveOn.org to have my email address. Sorry. :/
As amazing as it is, I can see why people would be grossed out by it. It kind of makes me sick because I’m squeamish and if a friend on your FB ‘likes’ it , then it shows up on YOUR newsfeed and startles you. So I can see how it got reported. BUT, I myself would not have done so. It’s not immoral or trashy or offensive in any way except for being a little gnarly looking. lol. And it is pretty cool.
Marie Annin
I deleted my Facebook. It was liberating.
Did you ever get the forum figured out? I would love to be able to ask some questions and receive answers from the BFW community!
I am probably really late posting this…like 2 years late…but I just wanted to say how strange I find the fact that fb suspended you for a picture of a placenta!?! They allow the most violent, immoral pictures and videos on FB. It is really strange. Did you ever ask them WHY they did it, i.e. what was so offensive?