• I Am Strong {Survival from an abusive relationship}

    My name is Caroline, and I am strong, because at 20 I got pregnant with a man whom had physically and mentally abused me for over a year. He had hit me, kicked me and verbally abused me. The pregnancy was obviously unintended, and I didn’t find out until I was 4 months pregnant, because I kept having my period.…

  • I Am Strong {Loss, PTSD, and Healing}

    I am strong because I’ve had 4 miscarriages. We lost our first one at 9 weeks. Our second, ten days after my dad died, on my husbands birthday. We went in for an ultrasound and there was no heartbeat. I needed an emergency D&C. I am strong because I became pregnant again with our son Landen. I was induced a…

  • I Am Strong {Adri}

    I am strong because I labored for 45 hours and pushed for 2.5 hours in the comfort of my own home with my husband and midwives, only to be transferred to the hospital because of a swollen cervix. I am strong because the doctors considered me a ‘trauma patient’ in need of a c-section, and I calmly declined asking for…

  • I Will Birth My Baby {Out Of My Vagina!}

    I am STRONG because I spent 9. 5 years since my first babies traumatic birth educating myself and becoming informed. 7. 5 years since my sons unnecessary, failed induction leading to my second cesarean, I learnt to trust my body. I am STRONG because I knew I wanted a VBA2C, I also wanted a Homebirth as I had wanted to…

  • {BWF Self Love Project}

    I decided to start a project. Something similar to our {I Am Strong} posts that we share on the blog and Facebook. What’s fun about this is it will be specifically for our Instagram. {BWF Self Love Project} We are encouraging mothers to take a step back, stop that negative self talk, and love who they are in the moment.…

  • {I am strong} and this is why…

    I am strong because my son was born at 39wks 5days & everything seemed normal. I am strong because I spent my first week home on bed rest. I am strong because my 2nd & 3rd week home I had bronchitis, laryngitis & a bladder infection. I’m strong because at his one month check up Elijah was diagnosed with laryngomalacia…

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