• Maternity Pictures That Will Make You Smile

    I’m usually not a huge fan of the naked/hand over the breasts maternity shots, mostly because they typically look awkward. But when done right they can be so great. Like these… Danielle and Patrick It’s the strong hands of the father in this one that I love… Kelli and Tony And this one… A beautiful gift…photo by Gara Hill. Krista…

  • Division: What Are We Fighting For?

    I recently asked on our BWF page if people thought there was division in the birth community (moms and professionals) or unity. Everyone answered division on some level. One woman, an OB, asked, “What are we fighting for?” Good question. This is not referring to women who are fighting to have a voice or for their rights. This is about…

  • Babywearing and Breastfeeding

    When I had my 2nd child, I would have never been able to tend to his (high) needs and chase my 21 month old around the house, if it wasn’t for babywearing. At the time I used a Maya ring sling. Not only that, but he became a much calmer baby when I wore him on me. With my 3rd…

  • The Supporting Hands of Birth

    This picture represents the involvement that family and care providers can have in a birth. It is beautiful when everyone comes together to support mom in having a wonderful, safe birth. Kim says, “This picture really captured home birthing for me.  A trained midwife whose love, gentleness and skill have overwhelmed me.  This was our second home birth with her. …

  • Loving Each Other Enough

    “The trouble with the world and the trouble with you and me is that we don’t love each other enough. And if we do, we don’t bother to show it, or we don’t bother to say it. If the world is to know love, it has to be in your heart and in mine.”  –Marjorie Pay Hinckley, Small and Simple…

  • Example of Mothers that Pave the Way

    I have learned over the few short years that I’ve been a mother, that I need the example of women who inspire me. Women who are successful. Women who are kind, gentle, and caring. Most of all though, women who are dedicated mothers. Having other women pave the way and remind me that although it is a hard, seemingly thankless…

  • What’s For Dinner?

    Andrea sent this picture in of her little one. She says, “Here’s my babe examining her stash and wondering, “Hmmm…what’s for dinner?” From the CDC website: “The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mother and baby desire. The World Health Organization recommends continued breastfeeding up to…

  • Couple is Expecting 2 Sets of Twins!

    An article about this story was shared in our BWF Support group. It was rather snarky and judgmental. Why judge other parents, especially when they have been BLESSED with babies? Even if circumstances are difficult, babies are always blessings. “For more than a decade, Misty and Brian Baker have tried for a child without any luck. But now, with the…

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