• A Sacred Birth After Two Miscarriages

    Noah was born on February 25, 2012 My husband and I started trying to conceive shortly after getting married. We tried for several years, to no avail. Being very health conscious and into natural healing modalities, we decided to address this challenge by improving our diets and lifestyles, and I started doing regular acupuncture and taking herbs. Slowly but surely…

  • Beautiful Henna Baby Bump, Pregnancy and Post Partum

    I received this beautiful email from SarahKate with SarahKateButterworth and just had to share with the BWF Community. “I’ve been following you on Facebook and really loving the information and photos that you so boldly share. Thank you for your work to spread the word about birth without fear. I noticed today you have an image of a pregnant belly…

  • Identical Twins Attached to their Shared Placenta

    Sera shared this with me and gave me permission to share it with you. It’s not everyday you see identical twins still attached to their placenta! She says, “They were both vertex. It was very difficult keeping baby A attached while waiting for Baby B to come. There was some fancy maneuvering going on!” This picture has caused quite a…

  • One of the Most Amazing Birth Pictures Ever!

    I saw this on Pinterest actually and it blew my mind. I have seen other pictures of babies born in the caul, but this one takes the cake! Melissa with MJ Birth photography is the talented photographer to capture this shot. Here is the intact membranes post birth… Visit her site here to see more. Melissa’s main photography site is…

  • Birth: Nailed It

    I recently wrote this post about BWF/myself supporting all women in their birthing choices. It’s an awesome post. Go read it (after this). I have received a few emails recently and I want to share a little of them with you. These emails are dear to me and show the diversity of the BWF women. They show that while I…

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