• Hire a Care Provider with Care

    I was told all of these in one day… “I fired my OB at 20 weeks and hired a midwife to have an amazing homebirth.” “I found a new OB for my 3rd child, after my previous OB told me I needed cesareans when I didn’t.” “I fired my OB and found a new awesome OB to have a wonderful…

  • Birth Without Fear’s THREE Year Celebration Giveaway

    Birth Without Fear was started with a simple Facebook page three years ago today. A vision and passion that has expanded into an inclusive community of informing and supporting. How can we not celebrate this?! We won’t make you read anything else. Let’s get to the good stuff! Many amazing prizes and tons of opportunities to enter and win! a…

  • To My Little Sister

    To my little sister, You’re 38 weeks pregnant now, and as you approach your ‘due date’, there are some things I want you to know. This time is sacred. I bet you hate hearing that, but it is. Right now your baby is listening to your heartbeat, sleeping and moving and safe within you. Women look at you, and envy…

  • Natural Birth of First Child

    Just wanted to share this picture and the story of my first childbirth experience. This is a picture taken unprofessionally by my sister after the water birth of my daughter 8 months ago. My story is rather long but I am hoping my story shows women that they can do it too! The pain started around 5:30 am on the…

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