• The Red Tent {Fear Not}

    This is an email sent in by BWF reader, Rebecca A. Recently I re-read Anita Diamant’s, “The Red Tent” which is the fictional story of Dinah, the daughter of the biblical Jacob and Leah. It’s a beautiful novel, rich in the emotions of feminine life. I’ve read the novel more than once, but what has always caught my attention and…

  • Home Birth Surrounded by Support

    These beautiful pictures were taken by Melissa Taylor Photography. So much support around this mom and baby! She says, “The photos are of a doula, Naomi of Embracing Labor (embracinglabor.com). This was her third baby after two hospital births, and she wanted as much support as possible. She invited people who would be interested in seeing a homebirth, and some…

  • From One Loss Mom to Another

    By Liz Paparella Mama, You and I have never met, yet we share a bond stronger than most, the bond of grief. I delivered my perfect 8 pound baby girl three years ago. But, she did not cry. She never took a breath. She was supposed to breathe…. Maybe you are like me, or maybe your baby died, tiny inside…

  • The “Kinda Funny” Birth of Bennett

    The evening of July 3rd holds way to a big and beautiful full moon hiding behind overcastting-clouds that threaten the night with thunderstorms. I know it is big and beautiful because the night before was clear and the moon was so close to being full; I spent about an hour standing in my hallway gazing at the silvery glow that…

  • BWF Inspiration for 2013

    I started Birth Without Fear on Facebook in May of 2010 and the blog shortly after in October of 2010. It has been a wonderful journey over the last few years. Thousands of emails, many thanking BWF for helping them in their pregnancies and births. Giving them a renewed hope or opening their eyes to options they never knew they…

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