• Against All Odds, A Surprise VBAC!

     Aila’s birth story begins on Good Friday, the 22nd of April. I began having contractions 15-20 minutes apart sometime in the morning, timing them quietly on my phone. They were quite mild, but really, about the same intensity as the contractions I had during labour with Liam. However, these were painful in front, unlike with Liam, where I felt most…

  • I am NOT Okay, and THAT’S Okay

    One of the most (out of many) horrible things about having post-partum depression (PPD) is the silent battle you are constantly fighting, against yourself, alone, while at the same time hoping like crazy that nobody notices that you might be unhappy/stressed/overwhelmed/anxious/you name it. I’m always nervous for people to randomly drop by my house for a visit should they happen…

  • A Father’s Gift

    When a man is involved in the pregnancy of his wife and baby, when he is present for the birth, when he is a rock for his spouse and when he has faith in the mother…he is giving and receiving love that creates a deep bond. A gift given and received between husband and wife that passes on to the child.…

  • A Natural Hospital Birth after a Stressful Pregnancy

    My first two pregnancies and births were pretty heavy with medical intervention. Both were inductions, with pitocin. With my first, I was clueless. With my second, I was a bit more informed, but not very well supported. With both, I ended up with epidurals. I would not say they were bad births, or traumatic, or anything of the sort, but…

  • Beautiful (Surprise) Breech Home Birth

    My husband and I chose to have our first baby at home with an absolutely empowering midwife. I distinctly remember between my intense contractions hearing my husband Kevin, Leslie our midwife, and her intern Melissa, in our kitchen drinking coffee and softly laughing enjoying good conversation. I was in the birth tub letting my body bring our little girl into…

  • A Fast Natural Hospital Birth

    Alyssa writes this story about her two midwife-assisted hospital births, and just how difficult it was to tear herself away from mopping the floors in the throes of labor: I’ve been blessed to have two wonderful birth experiences, each of them very different. My son’s birth was far from a bad experience. At the time I thought it was just…

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