• Mothering the Mother: 40 Days of Rest

    “The role of the midwife is to be mother to the mother.” (Unknown) We’ve all heard that ‘all that matters is a healthy baby’. We hear it before we give birth, and we hear it after. We hear it when a mother’s had a cesarean and a subsequent infection, when she has Post-Partum Depression and when she is reeling from…

  • I am NOT Okay, and THAT’S Okay

    One of the most (out of many) horrible things about having post-partum depression (PPD) is the silent battle you are constantly fighting, against yourself, alone, while at the same time hoping like crazy that nobody notices that you might be unhappy/stressed/overwhelmed/anxious/you name it. I’m always nervous for people to randomly drop by my house for a visit should they happen…

  • Home Birth Story and Post Partum Reflection

    Written by Rina on July 8th, 2011. Having the knowledge that I would give birth at home, with my midwife Nancy, assisting midwife Noel and doula Machelle, was a huge comfort to me. It was such a relief to know I would be doing the hard work of labor in familiar surroundings and recovering without interruptions from nurses and visitors.…

  • Sexual Abuse and Birth

    Sexual Abuse. This subject, which effects so many silent victims, is a hard one to approach. The damage is not only physical. It is mental, it is emotional, it effects the very spirit. Even for those who seek therapy, it can take a lifetime to heal – some people never heal. For birthing women, this subject becomes even more complicated.…

  • Baby Blues vs. PPD

    This is a guest blog post by Jennie from More Than Rubies. “Here is my blog post on my experience with PPD.  After I posted it, I had a lot of moms tell me they didn’t even know they had PPD until they read it, and that it helped them to talk to their husbands.  It’s brought a lot of…

  • Post Partum Depression…Please Don’t Judge

    Post Partum Depression…Please Don’t Judge By Heather Waddington This blog is hard to write. Even as I am typing this in Word I am debating on whether or not I will actually send it to be put on the web. I’m asking that you please make no assumptions as to the type of person/mother/wife I am, because I am writing…

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