• Breech Birth Video: Faith in God and His Will

    Amanda sent her video in to share with the BWF Mamas. Her journey, after a loss and finding out her baby was breech took a lot of research, education and faith. She was open to listening to her instincts and to God. Her faith in both carried her through fearing another loss, finding out her baby was breech and how…

  • HBAC: Home Birth After Cesarean

    I recently posted about breech births being another variation of normal and shared breech birth stories. My focus the next few weeks will be VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). I am a VBA2C mama myself and do not believe ‘once a c-section, always a c-section’. Every pregnancy and birth are different and our bodies are designed to birth. Most of…

  • A Footling Breech Homebirth With Pictures

    This birth story is nothing short of amazing. However, it is this mom’s story and she made choices she felt were best for her and her baby. If you have a breech baby, please note there are different complications that can arise. Many babies will turn in time for birth, but some remain breech. Talk with your care provider about…

  • Breech Does NOT Equal C-Section

    I have written before how a breech baby is another variation of normal. Having a breech presentation does not mean you automatically need to schedule a c-section. Remember, our babies are wise and know just how they need to be for birth. Most of the time, babies will turn, even late in pregnancy and labor!!!  You can read my other…

  • Your Body, Your Birth, Your Baby

    I do not know where women got the idea that doctors are a “knight in shining armor” here to rescue them. Actually, the AMA has been incredible at making themselves fit that role. Regardless, it’s a lie. When I hear a mama say, “They are going to let me…” I cringe. I absolutely want to vomit. Since when do they…

  • 15 Myths of Childbirth: Uncovering the Truth

    Thanks to the AMA, ACOG, news media, Hollywood, and horror stories being passed down from generation to generation, there are many disheartening myths surrounding childbirth. Unfortunately these myths are taken as truth. Here at Birth Without Fear, we have shed light on a number of these myths. By revealing the truth, maybe we can get one step closer to birthing how…

  • What’s a Woman to Do? {Choices Ripped Away}

    Supporting all women in their birthing choices and being inclusive does not mean there are not issues within maternal and infant care, especially in the U.S. We can not deny that the care most women get in our country is sub-par. Women are still railroaded everyday, backed into corners, strapped down onto tables and told by their care providers they…

  • Women’s Rights to Choose Being Stripped Away

    Here’s the problem with this…it TAKES AWAY WOMEN’S CHOICES. Our right to birth where and how we choose is being stripped away from us…here and now. I have a HUGE problem with this. I actually birthed my first VBA2C baby in AZ, so I am all too familiar with the issue this causes. This leaves women to birth in unfriendly…

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