Amanda sent her video in to share with the BWF Mamas. Her journey, after a loss and finding out her baby was breech took a lot of research, education and faith. She was open to listening to her instincts and to God. Her faith in both carried her through fearing another loss, finding out her baby was breech and how to birth, then finding support in having a vaginal breech birth! Thank you Amanda for sharing your journey, your courage and your faith with us. ~Mrs. BWF
Krista Young
So beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing this beatiful and inspiring story. As a fellow christian mother I know how over powering God’s love and strength can be and how it can fill you up to bring you thru anything! It was a joy and inspiration to watch your story. I am awaiting my own natural birth and know God will be with me giving me strength just as he did with you. God bless!
This truly was a birth without fear. 🙂
April Gideon
That was such an amazing story!! Thank you sooo much for sharing this. I just could not hold back tears from streaming down my face. God is soo good 🙂 I’m currently 18 weeks pregnant and am praying for a non medicated delivery. This is a huge encouragement!
How wonderful! Thanks for sharing with us.
To God be Glory for the courage you had in HIM!
Jesus saves
Mahalo nui loa for that amazing testimony of faith, courage and God’s goodness. He is the one who gives us the strength we need and courage to face and stand the trials we face not alone but with His help, whether you acknowledge Him or not He seeks you… and stands with you drawing you closer to Him…
Jen @Plus Size Birth
Such an incredible story. What a journey to a birth experience you knew was best for your little love. BEAUTIFUL!
Thank you for sharing this! I’m in week 33 of my second pregnancy & have hit some major road blocks with my OB & the medical community. This is just what I needed to see…bauled my eyes out through the whole thing! Thank you!
What a beautiful & emotional experience!! I was brought to tears as you were getting closer to having her! My son was born on 15 July 2011, and even though it was a hospital birth, it was completely without medication. Reading your story brought me back to that day of him coming into this world and I want to thank you for that!! God Bless!!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful display of Gods peace, strength and power! what a blessing your little princess is!
Thanks so much for sharing…this brought tears to my eyes. Such an amazing and empowering story!
Beautiful, inspiring story. The “system” would consider Joan a “criminal” for daring to provide a gentle alternative to a broken and woman-hostile system.
Amazing video! I love your trust in God. He is awesome to answer our needs 🙂 Our needs are His needs. So so lovely.
Clementine French
Amazing story…
Its reminded me how easily you can get bought up in it all and leave God in the background – I need to bring him into the centre again! Thank you. I was wondering if you could let me know the worship tracks you played in the clip…they were beautiful!! xxx