I have been laboring for an entire day. Lying in the bathtub completely relaxed listening to peaceful music and meditating. I hear the door open quietly. I open one eye and take a peek. My oldest son Cash is sneaking in. I close my eye and get back to THE work of relaxation. Feeling a surge coming, I know it…
A Positive Emergency Induction Story
Natalie shares the story of her son’s induced birth. I’d been researching about babies and birth for as long as I can remember; so when my husband, Greg, and I found out we were pregnant, I was so excited to put what I had learned into practice. I hated reading stories about all the awful things that went along with pregnancy and I…
I Am Strong – Enduring 30-Plus Hours of Full Blown Labor
I am strong because when I was in labor, I was in back labor for nine hours and wasn’t progressing so I had to go home. I am strong because after laboring another 10 hours at home I went to the doctor to get checked and was in full blown labor but only dilated to 3 cm. I am strong because I…
Natural Birth: Mama’s Version (Papa’s posted yesterday!)
Yesterday, we shared Janna’s husband’s story of the birth of their son, Ethan. Today, you can read Janna’s own experience of it – and what it was like to have her husband’s support. “My water started to break around 9am. It trickled out now and then. The baby’s head was low so he blocked a lot of it from escaping.…
Natural Birth: Papa’s Version (Mama’s tomorrow!)
This birth story comes from two angles. Today, we share papa’s version of the events. Check back tomorrow to read it from mama’s perspective – and find out just what she was doing with the midwife while her hubby cleaned the car. “Janna came out of the bedroom at 9am. Saying she thought that her water broke but wasn’t sure. …
Beautiful Birth Story Told by 34 Gorgeous Pictures
Andie W. has been kind enough to share her sacred birth pictures with the BWF Community. Christie Lacy Photography did a wonderful job capturing the hard work, determination, faith and beauty of BIRTH… This may be my favorite… The shadow in the background is her belly cast… “This is a picture of my newborn, Canyon, in his belly cast. I…
A Healing, Positive and Empowering Hospital Birth with Pictures
My birth journey began prior to even conceiving our daughter. My husband and I have a beautiful son who was born in 2006 and I thought his birth was wonderful with the exception of my water breaking at 34 weeks and labor started shortly after. I had an epidural and only felt about a hour of pain. I walked away…