Thank you to the mother who shares both her birth stories of her FOUR children. {Part 1} My husband and I knew we would need help conceiving. He had low sperm count, and I, well just didn’t ovulate. We met with a fertility doctor and I had the impression that we would be pregnant within a month or two and…
Hospital VBAC with a True Knot
I have had three children. The first was a c-section and the other 2 were VBAC. I feel that I was “bullied” into the c-section simply because I didn’t follow their time schedule. I was induced at 9 days over my due date because I was told my pelvis was not large enough to have a 9 pound baby which…
“Why not formula?” | Choosing Donor Breast Milk Over Artificial Milk
Having a premature baby I anticipated there could be some challenges as we began our breastfeeding journey, however nothing quite prepared me for the challenges we would face. Jett was born at 25 weeks and in the early weeks of his life he had multiple bowel perforations which can be common in premature babies. He was a very sick little…
If Only I Had Known {Momma Tips}
A small trip with two kids will take no less than an hour and a half Doing your daughters hair will usually put you both in tears. Having a good cry, is almost freeing. Its okay, go ahead. One day your son will ask you if there is a bone in his penis. (Seriously, not kidding) Its really hard to…
Alternative Methods of Checking Dilation {The Purple Line and More}
Through several years of being a part of the birth world I have noticed a trend. Dilation is *the* birth topic. No matter how a mother plans to birth, when the time draws near, dilation is the one thing on her mind. Why? Cervical dilation tells us one thing and one thing only – where you are right that second.…
I Was A Teen Mom
Hi, my name is Christina, and I was a teen mom. I was the least likely person to become a teen mom. I wasn’t a trouble maker; I made good grades; and, I had the same boyfriend for two years. Yet, when I was 17 years old, I found out I was pregnant. The way I told my mom was…
{BWF Self Love Project}
I decided to start a project. Something similar to our {I Am Strong} posts that we share on the blog and Facebook. What’s fun about this is it will be specifically for our Instagram. {BWF Self Love Project} We are encouraging mothers to take a step back, stop that negative self talk, and love who they are in the moment.…
Three Breech Births {One Cesarean And Two VBACs}
My breech babies: Brooke, Brady and Blake. “The road to motherhood is not always a clear and simple journey. I learned this first hand as all of my babies presented breech. I do think more women should be given the choice with breech babies – it should be an option to birth vaginally. Where we live, midwife’s are not allowed to deliver…
“Find a positive within this darkness.” | Infertility And Pregnancy
Thank you to Holly, for sharing your story and thoughts. When I was first asked to write this piece, initially I was overwhelmed… Despite being completely content with all of it in my head, how do I put the last decade of feeling and emotion into words coherent enough for people to read and make sense of? But after sifting through…