• Breech Cesarean Birth

    When I was 18 I fell pregnant with my first daughter. I’m 4ft 10 and then I was a size 6 so a very very small build (my now husband is 6ft4 need I say more lol). They discovered she was breech at 35 weeks with a following scan at 36 to double check. The awkward little bugger was in…

  • Cesarean Photo Collage

    My first boy, third baby: after two ‘Drs-convenience early inductions’, this was my first chance at a truly natural labor and birthing. My sons cord prolapsed and changed the birth, emergency c-section with general anesthesia.  I am thankful for c-sections.  I’m also thankful for VBACs, which I had the opportunity to have with my fourth baby, second son.  -Nicole

  • Birthing every possible way; learning as I go!

    I wanted to share my birth experience(s). Hope to bring some hope and courage to other mothers to be out there. In 2007 I had my first child. I went to my mother’s OBGYN office at 18 so that was all I had ever known. A husband and wife team. The wife was my GYN but no longer did deliveries…

  • Vaginal Hospital Birth of TRIPLETS

    Triplet pregnancies can be absolutely terrifying. You feel so out of control. There are three little lives growing in your belly and you are told by all your doctors and OBs all the risks and all the dangers, you begin to feel like you are made of glass. Please no TTTS, please no preterm labour, please let my babies survive…

  • {I Am Strong} The Loss of a Twin

    *Trigger Warning: This post is about loss* I am strong because at the age of 32 I became pregnant with twins. I was super excited and scared at the same time. Early in the pregnancy I found out that Baby B wasn’t doing well. As I started getting further along I went to specialist to find more out. My Baby…

  • Breech Baby Turned with Webster Technique

    With my first son I had extremely high blood pressure and had to be induced which ended up in an epidural and ventouse (vacuum) delivery with tubes coming out of everywhere.  It was very medical and my son was taken to NICU immediately because of birth trauma. It was extremely difficult to be away from him for the first two…

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