No one reading this needs an explanation of how men and women are different. It’s generally accepted that men, for the most part, are logical fixers and women are, overall, emotional nurturers. Men like to see things from an empirical point of view, cut to the chase, and get to the root of the problem and fix it. Women like to…
The Fear and Anxiety of the Dad-to-Be
No one reading this needs an explanation of how men and women are different. It’s generally accepted that men, for the most part, are logical fixers and women are, overall, emotional nurturers. Men like to see things from an empirical point of view, cut to the chase, and get to the root of the problem and fix it. Women like to…
When is Being a Mother Going to Be Enough?
The short answer is, it always has been.Mothers, we have the hardest and most important job. It’s that simple and true. That job alone is monumental, ever changing, priceless and too great to put in a status update. It’s THAT big. On top of this, we work, serve, sleep little, support our spouses, and take on extra responsibilities. We need to slow…
Men Become Dads
Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventures, story tellers, singers of son. {Pam Brown} Photography by Katelyn Demidow. She blogs and is on Facebook!
The Beauty of Tattoos, Mothers, Fathers and Their Babies
A few months back, I posted on the BWF page (after sharing a picture) that there is just something sexy about a man who is tatted up and supporting his woman in labor. Well, that led into a full blown discussion and love for our BWF moms and dads with ink. It was followed by this post and a follow…
More Tattoos, Birth and Babies
I recently shared this post with beautiful pictures of birth where moms and dads have awesome ink! (Started as a Facebook status update and went from there.) The number of emails that came in sharing pictures was more than expected! Which leads to part two…enjoy. Natalie and Ian… Taken at home with blessing #6, unassisted with my husband and children.…