When parents find out they are expecting twins, I can imagine the shock and joy that is experienced! After the initial emotions calm down, the questions begin. One of them may be, “Do twins mean automatic c-section?” The answer is simply, “No.” Here are some videos to show you that it can and is done. Inspiring to say the least!…
Positive Support for Pregnant Mamas with Breech Babies
I have written before how a breech baby is another variation of normal. Having a breech presentation does not mean you automatically need to schedule a c-section. Remember, our babies are wise and know just how they need to be for birth. Most of the time, babies will turn, even late in pregnancy and labor!!! You can read my other…
Breech Babies Are Another Variation of Normal
Originally written 10/29/2010. With my first child, I knew I wanted a natural birth. I chose the local birth center and hired the team of midwives. I attended my regular appointments and the birth classes they offered. Starting around 30 weeks I questioned the position of my baby. I asked three of the midwives at three different appointments if they…
Three Breech Births {One Cesarean And Two VBACs}
My breech babies: Brooke, Brady and Blake. “The road to motherhood is not always a clear and simple journey. I learned this first hand as all of my babies presented breech. I do think more women should be given the choice with breech babies – it should be an option to birth vaginally. Where we live, midwife’s are not allowed to deliver…
Breech Homebirth {17 Days Past Due Date}
“At 38 weeks pregnant I hired independent midwives to help me have a physiological breech birth at home because the NHS were not supportive of my choices and wanted me to opt for a caesarean. Four weeks and 3 days later my beautiful baby daughter was born at home in record fast timing and it was the most natural and…
Breech Birth Story {Frank Breech}
In 2009 I became pregnant with my second child. I was very excited. My first birth had gone very well, easy, no complications, no interventions. After birthing an 8 lbs. 1 oz. posterior baby boy after only 4 hours of labor and 30 mins of pushing, I decided the second would be out of hospital. We hired a great midwifery…
“It was the single most empowering moment of my life!” {Frank Breech Homebirth In Water}
I was 24 years old and planning to have my first baby at home when I found out the baby was in a frank breech position. My wonderful midwife at the time obtained all the latest medical journals on breech birth so we could make an informed decision about the risks. After reading the data, we chose to go with…
Amazing Breech VBAC {Fast hospital birth with pictures}
My first 2 babies were quick & easy induced vaginal births. My 3rd baby was delivered by caesarean section (in Jan 2011), as she was breech. A c/s was something I never wanted, yet the Drs insisted (via scaremongering crap) I have one due to her breech position. I was happy to go ahead with a vaginal breech birth (VBB),…
Breech at 41 Weeks, Turned Head Down, 12 lb. 4 oz. Baby Born Naturally
I had already had two successful homebirths, and I loved the experience. Amazing. That’s what birth is. And beautiful and wonderful. A gift. I know there are times when intervention or surgery may be needed, and it is wonderful that it is there for such times, but it is not the norm. This birth turned out to have some surprises…