• A Home Birth on Father’s Day 2013

    Father’s Day For my Father’s Day, I was given the gift of a fourth girl. At home. Part of that gift was being the first person she looked at and providing the hands that caught her and gave her to her mother. Father’s Day 2013 will be one that I always remember. Even though Delaney is our fourth child, she…

  • Two Perspectives of a Birth Story {Mom And Dad}

    Thank you Jared and Sunniva for sharing both sides of your birth story. More photos can be found on their blog: Two Perspectives of a Birth Story Sunniva: Women have been giving birth for as long as the human race has existed. Pregnancy is not an illness. Childbirth is not to be feared, it is to be honored, respected, and celebrated.…

  • Welcome Caio {Costa Rica Water Birth}

    Hello January, thank you so much for your blog and Facebook page – you are doing such important work. My son Caio was born at home in Sept 2011 in Costa Rica, this is our story. I would be honored if you would like to share it on your blog. I will include some photos that you are welcome to…

  • Birth Story of Ace {Homebirth Transfer to Cesarean}

    My birth story begins well before we even conceived Ace. My sisters both had cesareans for various reasons. I began to question everything about birth and I knew I wanted something better for myself. After all our research we decided a homebirth with a midwife would be best. We planned to give birth at my husband’s mother’s house because our…

  • Plus Sized Unassisted Home Water Birth

    The last weeks of my pregnancy were kind of crazy.  After a perfectly happy and uneventful pregnancy it majorly sucked to have to spend the last weeks trying to arrange a care provider after my midwife DROPPED ME for refusing an ultrasound to “check for IUGR” when there was no reason to suspect that the baby was having issues. At…

  • Birth of Elyas {OP Home Birth}

    Birth of Elyas Ali: second birth, second homebirth, OP presentation Thursday March 1st: Throughout the night I was having contractions. Nothing terribly strong, but stronger than Braxton-Hicks contractions. They were coming often and in a timeable pattern, so I got out of bed around 5:30 am and started timing them. They were coming every two to three minutes, and lasting…

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