• Veda’s Birth Story

    Liz shares the story of her third child’s birth at home.  Birth. There is so much packed into those five letters. Something that, no matter how hard you try, is so hard to give the words its beckons to describe it, because not one is the same. It is a cross between two literal worlds, which are uniquely intertwined, relying…

  • HBA2C: Fox’s Birth Story

    This powerful mama shares the story of her son’s birth at home.  After two c-sections, my husband and I had decided that we were done having children. My first child was born by emergency c-section at 33 weeks gestation, due to severe preeclampsia; and three years later, our second daughter was born via repeat c-section for “being breech,” which turned out to…

  • The Proudest Moment of My Existence!

    When I found out I was expecting, I was honestly the most scared I’ve ever been in my whole life. I wanted a hospital, pain meds, and thought whatever could go wrong would. Giving birth was going to be painful and awful. After educating my self and learning to trust my body through birth classes, I changed my birth plan…

  • Birth Of Elsie {Homebirth Story With Siblings}

    We were just waiting for the Braxton Hicks contractions to turn into the real deal so we could get our daughter here.  Sunday morning was spent with the church family and then the afternoon was spent with Greg’s family celebrating his mom’s 55th birthday. I was feeling pretty good and honestly didn’t feel like I’d see my daughter anytime in…

  • This Is Birth

    We have shared a series of ‘that moment of birth‘ before captured perfectly by Apple Blossom Families. Recently, this same photographer sent me a series of water birth photos that took our breath away. We are sharing here, as Facebook tends to remove these images from our Birth Without Fear Facebook page. Isn’t this amazing?! Here are more from this…

  • A Healing Natural Water Birth

    This was a very healing birth for me. My first son’s birth I was induced at 41 weeks, had an epidural, and left in love with my healthy baby but feeling robbed of my birth experience. We suffered a loss 3 years later. Henry is our “rainbow baby”. It was amazing to learn to trust my body, and watch and…

  • A Home Birth on Father’s Day 2013

    Father’s Day For my Father’s Day, I was given the gift of a fourth girl. At home. Part of that gift was being the first person she looked at and providing the hands that caught her and gave her to her mother. Father’s Day 2013 will be one that I always remember. Even though Delaney is our fourth child, she…

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