Of all the things that I prepared for postpartum, I forgot a nursing pillow. Oops! So, I recently tried the One Z Pillow (they make the Twin Z Pillow), and absolutely fell in love with it! Not only is a great/sturdy support for breastfeeding, but it gives back support for the mom to do so ergonomically. It is so comfortable!…
Practicing Fearless Motherhood {in Brazil}
{By Heidi Jo Haughn Palma, Maringá, Brazil.} I would like to share my journey into fearless motherhood. Maringá, Brazil. Public hospital cesarean rate 86%. Private hospital cesarean rate 98%. Who would have thought that in this murky maternal healthcare scenario, I would meet a radiant team of home birth professions. They were relatively young experience wise, but I knew that…
Cesarean Without Fear {Beard Baby}
Many of you know our sweet #beardbaby was born Sunday. This is our sixth baby. Our first two births were cesareans and our following three were VBA2Cs (hospital and home). Most our babies were born between 42 1/2-43 1/2 weeks. I preach constantly to follow our intuition. I did this whole pregnancy, just like I did with my others. I was under…
Birth Without Fear’s ‘Why’…
I received this email this week and took the time to slowly read it. To take it in. It’s these moments, experiences, and testimonies from all of you that keep me going. {January} *** Dear Birth Without Fear, I know you probably get a LOT of emails/messages/comments so I hope this finds you well! I have something I need to tell…
Resharing Banned Link/Post About Supportive Dads
No one reading this needs an explanation of how men and women are different. It’s generally accepted that men, for the most part, are logical fixers and women are, overall, emotional nurturers. Men like to see things from an empirical point of view, cut to the chase, and get to the root of the problem and fix it. Women like to…
Coffee is the New Crack for Pregnant Women
As many of you know, we announced the pregnancy of our 6th child recently! As a blogger, I waited as long as I felt I could before sharing. Why you ask? Because people can suck. If you’ve been on the internet at all you know I’m not being mean, just stating the truth. I really did not want to put…
When is Being a Mother Going to Be Enough?
The short answer is, it always has been.Mothers, we have the hardest and most important job. It’s that simple and true. That job alone is monumental, ever changing, priceless and too great to put in a status update. It’s THAT big. On top of this, we work, serve, sleep little, support our spouses, and take on extra responsibilities. We need to slow…
Capturing Sweet Memories
Recently Canon Canada contacted me about their Rebel SL1 and a new app they are launching. They asked if I’d like to try it out. Now, I’m a 100% iPhone pic kind of gal, but thought, “Hey, why not? I have a lot of kids and am always around cute babies!” I started playing with it and absolutely fell in…
An Open Letter to Birth Without Fear
At Birth Without Fear, we receive hundreds of emails on a daily basis. Many of them are birth stories, to which we say: squeee! Some of them are spam, to which we say: didn’t I create a filter for you? Some of them are hate mail, to which we say: Thank you for your feedback? And, also, I know I created a…