• I Am Strong {Adri}

    I am strong because I labored for 45 hours and pushed for 2.5 hours in the comfort of my own home with my husband and midwives, only to be transferred to the hospital because of a swollen cervix. I am strong because the doctors considered me a ‘trauma patient’ in need of a c-section, and I calmly declined asking for…

  • The Birth of a Bus {Really}

    This story is very personal to me. A little background as to why and then Charlie Rae’s story. I had heard about this bus on the Barefoot Birth facebook page but hadn’t read all of the details, and when I got to the bottom of this post, I gasped aloud! I KNOW HER! Well, actually I know her mom. I…

  • Birth Story of Ace {Homebirth Transfer to Cesarean}

    My birth story begins well before we even conceived Ace. My sisters both had cesareans for various reasons. I began to question everything about birth and I knew I wanted something better for myself. After all our research we decided a homebirth with a midwife would be best. We planned to give birth at my husband’s mother’s house because our…

  • Natural Birth of First Child

    Just wanted to share this picture and the story of my first childbirth experience. This is a picture taken unprofessionally by my sister after the water birth of my daughter 8 months ago. My story is rather long but I am hoping my story shows women that they can do it too! The pain started around 5:30 am on the…

  • Vaginal Hospital Birth of TRIPLETS

    Triplet pregnancies can be absolutely terrifying. You feel so out of control. There are three little lives growing in your belly and you are told by all your doctors and OBs all the risks and all the dangers, you begin to feel like you are made of glass. Please no TTTS, please no preterm labour, please let my babies survive…

  • Simple Home Water Birth VBAC

    Miranda’s birth story has to start with some background information and a bit of her big brother’s story. We had planned an all-natural, drug-free hospital birth and had taken Bradley Classes when I was pregnant with Dustin. Unfortunately, the hospital staff didn’t like how slow my labor progressed and coerced us into interventions we never wanted. Because of all this,…

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