• Audrey Lands Earthside

    At 3:15 the morning of December 23rd, I woke up to some contractions. They kept happening so I timed them and saw they were all over the place in terms of duration and time apart. I wasn’t sure if this was the real deal or just more practice. They were a bit uncomfortable so I tried to center by visualizing…

  • A Doula’s Empowering Birth Story

    I woke up Monday (for the third or fourth time) around 7:45 am, went to the restroom and noticed more bloody show. I had some pink tinged mucous all weekend so I knew some kind of change was happening. Last Monday at my 38 weeks checkup I was 2+ cm dilated and about 50% effaced. So I layed back down…

  • Supporting Women in All Birthing Choices

    It has taken me about a year and a half of blogging to get to a place that I feel I am really doing this and that others see it too. I’ve always had this vision…to passionately share my views about childbirth and inform woman they have choices in how they birth, but not alienate anyone. You have a few…

  • The Moment of Birth

    Most women have never seen birth…until their own. We talk about how it may feel, what we may go through and our experiences. We even share stories and birth pictures. But what does birth really look like? What are our amazing bodies capable of? Growing a person with no detail forgotten to the moment of when our child is ready…

  • Post Dates Birth at the Farm

    My Leap Day Birth Story at the Farm My daughter’s birth story begins right about where her brother’s leaves off, 2 1/2 years earlier.  His birth took me about a year to process.  If you’d asked me any earlier than that, I’d have told you that I loved everything about the experience (hospital birth with a CNM) and had no…

  • Finally! It’s Over! A Birth Story.

    My plans were to have an unassisted home birth and to not have any prenatal care. But plans don’t always work out. So at 36 weeks pregnant, after eating dinner, I feel water down my legs and freak out completely thinking oh crap my water broke, here I am with no house (living at the in laws between houses) got…

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