• Plan Your Baby Moments {Baby’s First Year}

    I recently posted about this new rad camera Canon sent me. Check it out here. I am an iPhone picture taker, but having this on hand has been a game changer! Canon Canada is releasing a new app to help parents capture sweet memories of baby’s first year! This time is such a flies by so quickly, that it’s easy to forget to do so. I…

  • A Million Ways to be a Good Mother

    I remember the reaction I had when I first read this quote long ago. With all the ‘mommy wars‘ on social media and division among women (which makes me deeply sad), this quote sums up how I feel so simply. There is no perfect way to be a mother, but my goodness there are a million ways to be a good…

  • 10 Tips: Transition From 1 to 2 Kids.

    All of our children are 20 months apart (except 2 and 3 are 28 months apart b/c baby 3 was my VBA2C baby and I took more time). It’s hard. So hard. Here are some things in hindsight that helped (and wished I would have known beforehand). 1. Let go of expectations. If you EXPECT both children to nap at…

  • Gratitude

    Definition of Gratitude: Thankfulness. This time of year we hear and read a lot about being grateful. Living in our modern societies, our perception of what we should be grateful for is highly skewed. As I pondered being grateful on this Thanksgiving, I thought of the last 2 years of my life, what we went through and where we are…

  • You Are Not Alone…Parenting is Wild!

    Many times, when dealing with annoying, hard, ridiculous days (or kids), parents think it’s just them. They may get embarrassed or frustrated because they feel they are the only ones going through this… or this… or even goodness forbid this… It makes you want to do this (hey, if they can do it, why can’t we?)… You are not the…

  • What is Important?

    We’ve all heard it and said it…’it goes too fast’. Also, ‘life is too short’. Do we act on those statements though? Do we realize the impact and consequences of what we decide is important today? Our family has grown in size very rapidly and I have found myself missing the laid back mama I once was (just a few…

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