My water never broke…just my tailbone… Okay, I’ll back up a little… I had been having extremely mild, menstrual-like cramps for a few weeks leading up to the birth. Since they didn’t hurt, I was excited about these cramps and hoping that they were causing my body to progress. This was my first pregnancy and I was pretty excited to get…
Determined Mom’s HBAC becomes a CBAC
To start this story, I guess I have to go back to where it really started – which was with the birth of my first son, Kai. Kai was born on the 4th of June 2009 via emergency Cesarean after my water broke spontaneously at home on the morning of the 2nd. I was totally naive about birth – which is ridiculous,…
Cord Clamping {Give Me All My Blood!}
The Third Stage of Labor is one that is often forgotten. This is the span of time between the birth of the baby and the expulsion of the placenta. The typical medical birth looks like this for the third stage: baby emerges, cord is clamped immediately, baby is taken by a nurse to a warmer, mother is injected with pitocin, cord…
Encapsulating Placenta for PPD…One Mother’s Experience
Sent in by Cynthia. “My son Joseph was born May 7th, 2011- and after a slight battle with the hospital, I was able to keep my placenta. Didn’t know why I wanted it, just knew I did and I would figure it all out later. I froze our placenta and honestly, pretty much forgot about it. Around 11 months post…
Processing 2 Cesarean Sections: A Twin Cesarean Birth and A C-section Due to Placental Abruption
I know people hear a lot of negative birth stories that are over inflated. I’m not sure why people do this. I try to refrain from sharing these two experiences with expectant moms, because I don’t want to instill any fears or insecurities in them. I had a very normal, uneventful pregnancy with the twins until 35 weeks. April 27th…
More Birth, Breastfeeding and Placenta Pictures Removed From Facebook
Sometimes I see a picture that is removed from a social media site, like Facebook, and I understand why. Even if I don’t find it disturbing, I can appreciate how it might be too graphic. However, sometimes I just don’t get it. For example, when I was banned from FB for 3 days for posting this picture of a placenta.…
Again…BWF Banned From Facebook: The Offensive Placenta
That’s right. Facebook found this picture taken by Seana Berglund (of Ruthie’s placenta) to be in violation of their ethics. How? I don’t know. It is awesome! I honestly am laughing. I’m not surprised. I have seen this happen to many pages. While I have been careful what pictures I post on Facebook, posting the rest on my blog instead,…
Sibling Reaction to Placenta…Oh my!
Katherine sent in this picture that Lynsey Stone caught of her children reacting to seeing the placenta (bottom right). So funny.
The Rad Placenta
I was recently banned from posting on BWF and personally on Facebook for this placenta picture taken by Seana. I was also warned that next time, pages and profiles might be deleted. There is nothing stating in any Facebook policies that organs are violating any rules. We all know there are many obscene pictures that do violate policies and are…