My birth story. Hi Girls….the dust has settled, I’m out of the newborn fog and am so excited to share my birth story with you all. Miss Elliette Mae dramatically entered the world at 10:37PM on 1/3/13. She weighed 8pounds, 8.5 ounces and was 20 inches long. The morning of the 3rd I woke up and had an intense urge…
‘More Faith, Less Fear’: An Unassisted HBAC
Lisa M. shares the story of her daughter Freya’s free birth. “This is a story of a beautiful birth – the birth of my gorgeous daughter Freya. Her birth had been planned for a long time… Pretty much since the day her older brother and I left the hospital after his very traumatic VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) birth, two…
The Birth Story of Finley Nathaniel {Planned Homebirth, Unplanned Unassisted}
I never imagined I would have an unbelievable birth story to share. I prayed for an easy, fast birth – who doesn’t! – but didn’t really think it was something my body could do. On Wednesday January 16th, I began feeling different enough to tell Michael that a baby would be here by Friday. Nothing painful or distracting, but I…
Supporting Women in All Birthing Choices
It has taken me about a year and a half of blogging to get to a place that I feel I am really doing this and that others see it too. I’ve always had this vision…to passionately share my views about childbirth and inform woman they have choices in how they birth, but not alienate anyone. You have a few…
Oops…A Fast and Unplanned Unassisted Birth of 2nd Child
The birth of my daughter started at 11 am on a Monday morning. I was laying in bed as my 18 month old son played on the floor next to me. When I got out of bed I noticed that my water had broken. In my excitement I had asked my husband to hurry home. With my last child I had went…
Accidental Unassisted Birth of 4th Child
My name is Lara Carlos, I am a Doula, Childbirth Educator, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, mama to four amazing babies and the wife of an acupuncturist. I am also the co-founder for The Barefoot Mamas‘ Network and working to take my network national. I recently had an amazing birth experience of my fourth baby. I believe that children pick their parents before they…
Firefighter Dad Catches His Baby {After Fast Labor}
“This is a picture my sister captured as my husband, a firefighter/EMT, caught our second born. We had a planned home birth, but the midwives didnt make it in time. Labor was 45 mins. I felt so supported having my husband deliver our son- would do it exactly the same all over again!” ~Danielle
Planned Birth Center Birth {Becomes} Unassisted Birth in a Van
On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 I woke up with contractions and I was not able to sleep through them any more. It is 6:45 am. I kept thinking it’s just my body faking me out as usual. So I ignored the contractions for awhile. Robert gets up and makes breakfast. I was too nervous to eat more than a piece…
A Story of Patience; 20 Years of Waiting, 44 weeks Gestation, an Unassisted Birth!
After three horrendous inductions that took three days apiece, I decided that this time it was going to be different, that my son (after five girls and 20 years of trying), as my last child, HAD to have a gentle birth and I NEEDED a positive birth experience. I got researching, spending hours and hours trawling the internet, reading chapters and chapters of…