• Birthday Celebration of a VBAC

    So last night, I get this email from the beautiful Mae Burke, “Tomorrow is my friend, Chelsea’s, baby girl’s birthday. Her first was an unneccesarian, and the second was an HBAC. January, every single day she got on BWF, scowering the pages for info.” So I of course click on the links she sent me and literally got goosebumps from…

  • HBA4C: Homebirth After Four Cesareans!

    *Having a home birth after multiple cesarean sections is not always safe. Please speak with your care providers for more information and support and to see if you are a good candidate for home birth, or vaginal birth in a hospital. VBAC’s are wonderful and can be done, but each woman, pregnancy and birth is different. ~Mrs. BWF Here’s my…

  • Statistics {General vs. Specific to You}

    I see people asking for or citing research and statistics all the time. I’m gonna put my flame suit on before I let you know how I feel about this. OK, ready. I think it’s a load of crap. Research, most of the time, is biased and/or read completely wrong. Statistics come from said research. Not only that, but what…

  • Face Presentation Vaginal Birth

    Babies really can come out different ways. My last baby was birthed facing my left thigh. Yes, I birthed him sideways, shoulders and all. A friend of mine recently gave birth to her sweet baby girl. Not only did she have a successful VBAC in the hospital, but her daughter was birthed with a face presentation (yes, her face was…

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