• Born in the Caul

    Every once in a while, that special bag of waters that protectively surrounds our babies stays intact as baby comes earthside. Here are two example sent in from women in our BWF Community! A BWF Mama sent this photo of her baby birthing in the caul. She says, “My midwives did not intervene at all.  I was involuntarily pushing as…

  • 2 Videos to Inspire You for Your Birth

    I am getting more into watching birth videos as I am somewhere around 30 weeks. This is when my confidence starts building up as I start to focus more on my upcoming birth. Here are a few videos I watched this week that I just love. This mama used Hypnobabies techniques to trust birth and stay peaceful and calm. She…

  • Picture of Baby Crowning

    I love having the opportunity to off-set shows like Baby Story or The Doctors by showing what birth really can be! Thanks to so many of the BWF mothers for your willingness in sharing your stories, experiences and pictures. ~Mrs. BWF A BWF mama sent this picture in… “I’m SO proud of this pic of crowning on the toilet. The…

  • Wicked Awesome Birth Picture

    This birth photo is amazing for so many reasons. It’s birth as it should be most of the time, the photography is phenomenal, but also look at mama’s hand touching her baby’s head, the midwife’s hand just waiting to catch and not interfering…it’s just wicked awesome! ~Mrs. BWF My son was born at home over two years ago, and I…

  • Daddies Can Catch Babies Too

    The birth of sweet Huckleberry through pictures can be seen here (the play button is at the bottom in the tree). He was caught by his father while his brother Sawyer watched closely by. The most amazing morning of my life! ~Autumn Snow *Photography by Jessica at One Tree Photography  

  • A Cesarean is Not a Failure: One Woman’s Story

    I recently wrote a blog post on how to have a positive experience with a cesarean birth. While we discuss the high rates of c-sections and unnecessary interventions, it’s easy to forget that sometimes they are necessary and when used in those necessary circumstances, they are a blessing. Nicolle shares her two cesarean births, what led to them and has…

  • Mama Catches Her Own Baby…

    This BIRTH WITHOUT FEAR Mama shared this raw birth picture of her catching her own baby! Yes, that is blood. THIS IS BIRTH! “Hudson was born at home in the water on February 9, 2010 at 11:15 p.m. My husband and two good friends were with me. Our two year old son was tucked in sound asleep. I hired a…

  • Breathtaking Birth Photo Censored

    Dawn shared this photo on Facebook in color and in black and white. Facebook keeps removing it. It’s is amazing! Look at baby’s little hands reaching up as if to say, ‘Here I am Mommy’! For those who are complaining about the coloring, here it is in black and white. Facebook also removed it like this! I love how ‘raw’…

  • Birth Announcement: Primal and Ancient

    I received this birth announcement/story via email. It is just so different than a lot of discussion and stories shared recently. It’s refreshing! Thank you Kacie for sharing and congratulations! ~Mrs. BWF I have been following you on Facebook for some time, and LOVE your page, your inspirations, and stories! I am a Chiropractor and Doula and just gave birth…

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