• I Got the Fever

    So not to sound paranoid, but I’m pretty sure babies are following me. Wait, let me back up. It seems that it has been just long enough since I had my last baby that I have forgotten how uncomfortable I was at 40 weeks pregnant (more like from weeks 21-40…) and how much I really, really love sleeping. No, really.…

  • 10 Tips for Parenting Beyond the Only Child

    Catherine Bell was generous for putting together a helpful guest blog post about how to prepare for siblings for the BWF Blog. Having 5 children in 7 years, I know what a struggle it can be to prepare and adjust! Thank you Catherine for showing women there are things they can do to help with this transition! ~Mrs. BWF When…

  • World Breastfeeding Week: Part 2

    It just so happens to be World Breastfeeding Week! Here are more BWF Mama breastfeeding pictures to celebrate. Here is one of my favorite nursing pics! My friend Morgan tandem nursing. Picture by Mae Burke Photography for her “In Mama’s Arm’s” project. This sweet picture is Kim and her bubba Treya.  Magen nursing her son Samuel Thor straight out of…

  • Surrender: A Letter to My Baby

    My sweet baby, Mommy wants to write you a letter. You are my 5th child, but the first baby I have written to. Already you are special in your own way. Our pregnancy has been hard for mommy. There are things you may not understand, nor should have to bear. Regardless, I am sure you have felt mama’s despair and…

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