• Justine

    Wow, what incredible insight, and wisdom this young lady has. I don’t know if I’ve ever read such a beautiful account of birth, it makes my heart (and womb) sing! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Anna Watson

    Great pics too! Just to add that the NHS pays out £800 million in litigation for clinical negligence – over half of this is in hospital birth obstetrics! So home birth rules… I just hope we can raise some money for Rowan now to see him through the forced vaccine schedule with supplements and therapies. Please go to http://www.arnica.org.uk/support_us.html adding “for Rowan”

  • Jennifer

    Beautiful story, terrible end note about the ex-partner suing to force vaccinations on the child. Makes me terribly angry. She is the baby’s momma, he should really trust her… 🙁

  • Amy J.

    Love this story! Help e feel better about having another one,cu I know I will again before I know it. I am very curious though about thesupplements that aid in making vaccination safer!

  • Karen Joy

    I now feel similarly excited and high with birth, excited about the process and every little bit that helps my baby arrive. HOWEVER, I didn’t feel like that with my first, or second, or third… It took me until my 4th baby to have the same outlook that this mama did with her first!! Amazing. Love this: “It felt great because I knew so much progress was being made, and it was all so expulsive and felt gorgeous…” Congrats, Mama!

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