I love reading really great blog posts and watching tear jerker and/or funny videos. Those that lift me up or share something I can think on. Here are a few of my favorites from this week.
The Quiet Theory of Influence from Zen Habits
Your Health Decision: Take It On The Chin or Instant Gratification by The Atlas of Life
This Could Have Been My Life by One Thankful Mom at A Bushel and A Peck
This video montage of a hospital twin birth by Lora Denton. It is awesome!
This video by The Daily Show (about the media ignoring Ron Paul exists is hilarious and oh so true).
Enjoy! Please share any inspiration, uplifting or funny blog posts you have recently read or watched.
Parenting, Illustrated with Crappy Pictures. You have to go back and read “What it’s like to (not) sleep at night, Illustrated with crappy pictures.” This woman has me roaring at times 😉
It’s nice to know you’re not alone lol.
Mrs. BWF
Jodi, I have read that before and love it. haha. I love her posts! Thank you for sharing it!
I’m going to be selfish and suggest my twin, breech, hospital, vaginal birth story http://trulyblessedlife.wordpress.com/2010/11/14/you-cant-birth-breech-twins-vaginally-wanna-make-a-bet/
Momma Sadler
this pretty much sums it up….in the dirty trenches of adoption.
Finally have found something great to read on. I will be finding more time to finish those on the list. Thanks a lot!