Dawn is a doula who supported this beautiful couple during their home birth. She captured these pictures as the mom labored and birthed their first baby girl outside and in the spa at Dawn’s house!
“It was their first baby, they contacted me only about 2 weeks before their due date to be their doula. They had decided on a home birth instead of a hospital birth just a week before. They came to interview with me at my house and fell in love with my backyard and asked if I would be open to them birthing here as their house was so small and a bit far from a hospital should they need it. I’ve had several clients labor here before so it didn’t seem like that big of a deal. She labored all morning at home, came to my house about 1pm and had her beautiful baby in my jacuzzi about 2:30pm. It could not have gone more perfectly. It was so obviously meant to be!” ~Dawn
WOW! She is just beautiful! What a wonderful experience this looks like. 🙂
What a beautiful, peaceful face! Congrats on a lovely birth.
I wanna do this!!!!
Beautiful Mama,Baby,and Jacuzzi! I so want to birth there now!
this brought tears to my eyes so beautiful, i am not pregnant but always was fascinated with natural birth. she looked so beautiful.
Nic Singleton
that is gorgeous!
amazing! I want to know her secret to looking so calm and beautiful! my gosh!
That last picture is just amazing, what a beautiful family!
Oh wow! Can I birth there too? What a beautiful place and family!!
Oh, to give birth in sunshine! That looks so lovely. What a wonderful birth 🙂
It definitely was meant to be! So grateful for the most beautiful birth experience. The secret was a combination of an amazing doula, husband, Hypnobirthing, and bee breathing (something I learned in pre-natal yoga with Liza Janda.) Thank you, Dawn. The gift you gave us was just priceless.
Dawn Thompson
Thank you Ladies! I was so glad to be able to capture it on film. Danielle was so beautifully focused and relaxed that it allowed me the time to take pictures. Its a testiment to the amazing technique of hypnobirthing when its taken seriously and practiced.