I have 2 daughters one is about to turn 5 in a couple of weeks and the other is 2. I was a young mom being only 20 when I delivered my first. I wanted to go natural with her, I just didn’t educate myself enough. So I ended up having an epidural and a severe episiotomy (hole to hole) TERRIBLE hospital experience!!!
So, when I became pregnant with my second daughter I KNEW better! Plus I had amazing support the second go around! I birthed at a birth center. The interesting part of this story is that Ansley just didn’t want to come out! We all know that nothing is ever perfect. Well let me tell you that my biggest fear was having to go to the hospital! I DID NOT WANT to deliver in the hospital again!
The birth center had certain RULES that they had to follow. I wasn’t allowed to go 2 weeks past my ‘due date’! When it was coming up on 10 days over, we started discussing things that could be done to bring on labor. I had my membranes stripped 3 times and nothing! I had the Foley bulb put in and a few contractions came along with that but only just enough to get the bulb out! The contractions stopped after the bulb popped out!
I was beginning to get very upset and worried that they were going to make me go the hospital and get pitocin or cervidil. Anyways, long story short is I went into labor by the breast pump! Yes, nipple stimulation! I went into the birth center around 10 am and started the pump. The routine was 45 minutes on the pump and 15 minutes off! During the 15 minutes I would take a couple of laps around the parking lot which was a huge hill, then go to the bathroom, and then back to the pump!
I was in shock when the contractions began! I couldn’t believe it was working! I was not going into the appointment that day thinking that I would have my baby, but I was wrong! The contractions were getting stronger and stronger, and around 7 pm that night I stopped the pump/ My labor was ON!
Ansley was on her way via the breast pump! It wasn’t my ideal, as I wanted to labor at home for as long as possible and then go to the birth center when it was time to deliver. Although it didn’t happen the way I wanted, I am very very happy with the out come.
I delivered my beautiful 8lb 11oz baby at the birth center on September 3rd 2009 around 3 am. -Brittany
Farah Rains
I had the wonderful opportunity to doula at both of Brittany’s births. I can attest to the horrible hospital experience that she endured, and to the fact that little Ansley didn’t want to come out! Although she was completely worn out, Brittany did an amazing job at delivery. It was a privilege to serve her!
Farah, you were AWESOME!!! I KNOW had you been there soon enough with Abby I would’ve gone natural!(She traveled 6 hrs to attend my birth last minute). You are such an amazing doula and don’t know how I would’ve managed or keep some sanity about me, without you! I was very blessed to have you present both times! Thank you!!!
C. Beth
Congratulations on achieving such a wonderful birth! Beautiful!
Mrs. Bwf, notice that we all know each other? 😉 I had the honor of being at Farah’s homebirth 6 years ago…Brittany and Farah were both part of our birth party 🙂 Amazing memories and experiences!
And Farah is an amazing doula! She bring a peace and confidence in with her that helps her clients (friends) relax and trust their their bodies…I hope every birthing momma has the blessing of such a doula 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your story! This is me to the tee minus having to have an episiotomy. (My first had shoulder dystocia- most likely due to being 10lb7oz, posterior, and me stuck in the bed due to epidural- so I did tear.)
I’m 5ish weeks from my 2nd birth and this one will be in a birthing center. I too REALLY want to be in the birthing center and am mostly nervous about the time frame requirement. I wish they’d let women go to 42 weeks, but it’s 41wk 2days, exact day my first decided to come! It’s encouraging to know that you found something that worked for you and I can (hopefully) find something for me if this little one doesn’t want to come out! (Although I hope he or she decides to come on their own.)
I wanted more than anything for her to come on her own! I wanted to feel the excitement of knowing that labor was beginning naturally! I wanted to go through the process at home in the comfort of my own home with my husband. I was so fearful of the hospital and of pitocin and all the cords and monitoring! I will for sure look into a home birth with my next! I would love to let my little bun bake until they are ready!
I was reading your comments on how supportive your Doula was for your birth. Since I too am looking for someone to be there in those
“in-Between” moments and be more of a motherly support to me during labor. My doctor (who were not too fond of) said Doulas are expensive, and really only a luxury. A-WHAT?! Anyways, I’m still very interested in finding a Doula for me 🙂 Despite what my (unsupportive) doctor says.