Best Daddy Ever…of Triplets!

This is the best daddy ever. We carried our triplets to 37 weeks 4 days. After 10 hours of labor, 7 cm and a prolapsed cord, I ended up under general anesthesia having an emergency c-section.

He couldn’t be with me in the operating room, but he was there for our babies every moment. The kind nurse even let him touch Isabella to stimulate her to breathe (lower left) when she hadn’t taken a breath yet, 6 minutes after her birth. He was holding her hand when she took her first breath.

He spoke to our children and told them how loved they were from the moment he saw them. He took pictures to show me while I was in recovery and they were in the NICU. We all went home together 7 days later. They are 18 months old now and Isabella, Wyatt and Sophia adore their daddy. -Ashley


  • Ashley Stetson

    Hello! They were 5 lbs 4 oz, 5 lbs 2 oz and 5 lbs 14 oz. My Peri wanted a vaginal delivery so badly for us. He regularly delivers multiples including triplets and quadruplets vaginally, more than any other doctor in CA I believe. We tried. But UCSD is a teaching hospital and there are “a lot of cooks in the kitchen”, I allowed a resident to artificially rupture my membranes and use an internal contraction monitor, both of which led to Isabella’s cord prolapse and sudden heart deceleration. Hindsight is 20/20. But she is very healthy and happy in spite of an APGAR of 1! Thank you for all the support.

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