I distinctly remembering my oldest child at four years old (now 9) coming up to me with her doll saying, “I’m nursing my baby mommy. She loves my breast milk. It’s chocolate milk.” Ha. Adorable. I just had my 3rd child and she was the first baby I successfully breastfed. She was learning by my example. Here are some mamas who shared their little ones learning to care for their babies.
“I love her face! So serious. She told me to, “Shhhhh, you’re distracting my baby”. (I tell her that when I am trying to nurse my 8 month old son).” ~Michelle M.
“Here is a picture of my toddler Lucia (just under 2 years old) breastfeeding her mermaid barbie. It was the first time she had ever done this! She has obviously seen me BF my baby plenty! First she tried breastfeeding the doll from her belly button but then moved it up some to a better spot :)”~Claudia
How adorable. Love those leggings! From here.
“This is my 1 1/2 year old daughter Patience. She always has her baby with her and feeds her no matter where we are!!! I love how little ones care for baby dolls the same way they are cared for!” ~Nicole C.
And these 3 I shared {with permission} on Facebook back in May.
“God intended motherhood to be a relay race. Each generation would pass the baton on to the next.” ~Mary Pride
Jenny K
So sweet!
Jenny Vater
I love all these photos! I have three boys (9, 7, 3.5 yrs) and one daughter (6m). All three of my boys have breastfed their babies.
I also love the quote at the end, I am a firm believer in each generation getting better. So far the baton has been passed successfully in my family with each generation of women making smarter choices in mate selection and mothering!
Last 3 get me every time! Cutest baby chunk ever!
Jessie - Rabid Little Hippy
Love the tandem nursing bubby. She’s so gorgeous!
Nicole C
Love the tandem nursing baby. Chunky! I want to squish her. (: All beautiful photos.
hey mama, thanks for sharing the pictures of my daughter- they have certainly made their way around the internet! anyway, i just wanted to let you know that the last two photos are of my babe, and blogged at http://www.starvingartistink.com

Mrs. BWF
Thank you Erin! I’ve shared before and was having trouble finding your info!
My two year old goes to the child sitter. She has a 4 month old baby. I got a text recently saying TJ had sat next to her on the sofa and breast fed one of the dolls!