How to Have a Successful Lazy Day {with kids}

I was up all night last night with a sick little guy who was also having growing pains. Fun times. At least I know he’ll always remember how mommy was there for him. He has been grateful today doing extra chores.

So I started my day with caffeine. Lots.

Then I decided I needed to successfully have a lazy day. Here are a few more things that have ensured said success. {It is important enough to document, of course}

Do something cool you see on Pinterest. Not something hard and crazy, but super simple that you can feel awesome about. Like making ice cubes out of your favorite drink so when you want to make it cold, it won’t be watered down. Ya, I did that.

Since you are having such a productive day already {while being lazy}, do something that needs to get done that is super easy. Like cut your kid’s hair. I tried to talk him into keeping the mohawk. He didn’t go for it.

Then have cute boy vaccum it up! Gosh, that was easy.

Hmmm, now what?! Oh, I’m gonna be an awesome mom and make cookies. However, because I want this to be a successful lazy day, we have to use the easy button.

Get out tub. Spoon out dough balls {today is peanut butter}. Criss cross with fork. Bake 10 minutes. Enjoy!

TV! You can’t have a lazy day without TV! I know, so evil. Well, put in something active like the Wiggles and the kids will jump around and get exercise! While you watch. You are such a good mom.

Since you are a mother who always cares about balance, send your kids outside. While you enjoy caffeine and watch from inside. Your kids will show you things they’ve found and you will be a caring mom, smile, take pics and put them on Instagram!

Other great things that are not pictured are making an easy breakfast, have a great phone call with a good friend and naps! Always naps. I’d say that having a successful lazy day may need to become a common goal!

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