In April 2012, we had an unmedicated hospital birth with zero interventions, save for a single dose of antibiotic that I wish I had refused. I spent the day shopping with hubby, got a manicure and pedicure, a massage, went out to dinner and visited my best friend who had just delivered her son. I did all this without a single sign of labor.
Then, surprise! My water broke 30 minutes after returning home, I labored there for a bit then headed to the hospital where I labored in the shower. I dilated from 4cm to 10cm within an hour. I pushed squatting, on hands & knees and eventually felt most comfortable propped a bit on my side. I was loud! I may have asked for an epidural more than once, I may have scared the on-call OB a little, I definitely scared the other patients down the hall, but RAWR! This first-time momma did what she set out to do! At 39w3d, 7lbs 11oz, 20 3/4inches, compound presentation with a sweet little fist clenched up by her face, my daughter was born.
My husband, nurse & doula were amazing. We will have a homebirth next time.
Things happened so fast (less than 5 hours total) that we were lucky our doula, who is now a certified nurse midwife, remembered to capture these shots. Pushing, seeing her for the first time, & sheer happiness is how I describe these moments.