Yes, it was removed from Facebook, but really we just want to share this gorgeous picture of a mother breastfeeding her child while pregnant with another. This is real life folks. #peaceloveboobs #normalizebreastfeeding.
I had my first breastfeeding image removed from my personal FB page today. This photo is so special to me because of 2 things, first, my son whom I never thought I would be able to breastfeed is 2.5 years old and going strong and second, because I am 26 weeks pregnant with my 4th son and am thrilled to have kept nursing through this pregnancy and really look forward to the amazing bond my kids will have through tandem nursing. {Whitney Hempsey}
Photo Credit: Studio412 Imagery and Melissa Skidmore Photography
Alisia Cameron
Absolutely beautiful!
Beautiful picture. Praying I can breastfeed my boy even after I return to work this weekend. My goal is one year.
WOW. Gorgeous photo. Gorgeous mom. Gorgeous baby. Gorgeous baby bump. She is rockin’ it.
This photo is beautiful!!
steph green
Soooo beautiful. wow.
So lovely. Thank you for sharing! I nursed through my second pregnancy and, though some of those times were challenging, treasured doing it. My two-year-old daughter is still going strong, though my son weaned himself about eight months ago.
Gail Moggy
This is such a stunning image. I love, love, love it.
Tess Taggsy
BEAUTIFUL!!! I tandem fed my last two children and wish I had a picture like this 🙂
Jamaica Zoglman
This is inspiring and so, so lovely! In fact, it has given me the courage to go and post my own beautiful breastfeeding picture (which will, in all likelihood, be removed).
I thought I recognized your face! I met you this weekend in Charleston. What an amazing picture. Good luck with your upcoming birth.
Whitney Hempsey
Hey Emily! Thanks so much for the encouraging words 🙂
Rebecka Evans
Thanks for sharing this. Stunning! You just reminded me that I did this! I nursed my son throughout my pregnancy (he had only turned 2years 3 days before my daughter was born). He wasn’t happy to have a sibling – but tandem nursing was a good start for bonding.
Clare S
beautiful…especially the story that goes with it. it shows the strength and determination that we, as women, bring when we become mothers. love it.
Quite possibly the most beautiful photo I have ever seen. Love.
Oh my goodness– breathtaking!!! This captures everything perfectly–the belly to the side– the child looking up at mama– mama looking down in her eyes– stunning!! Breath of life. Can you believe this miracle happens all around us? And women are shamed for it? Absurd. BF your hearts out ladies!!!
This is just absolutely the most beautiful moment forever archived in digital imagery!!! I love this!!!
Heather Smith
This picture is, in one word, stunning. How dare anyone think its inappropriate and remove it from someone’s personal page.
wow, breathtaking……
such a stunning photo. It really is beautiful. congratulations to this mama.
Anna Marie Ruiz
I think this is probably THE most beautiful picture I have ever laid eyes on. It captures every beautiful thing about women, motherhood and children. This picture makes me so proud to be a woman and a Mama.
What a wonderful picture. You are a role model to me. Wish you all the best!
Whitney Hempsey
Thank you so much for sharing my image. I never thought when I started out on this journey of nursing my children I would be so passionate about it. I failed to nurse my now 5 year old son simply because I had no clue what I was doing and no support. I was determined with Eli to make it, and we certainly have. I feel so blessed that we were able to make it through the sore nipples and changing supply to continue nursing. I’m not going to say it was all smooth sailing, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything and I really hope that this is a special bond that him and his new brother can share when he arrives in a few weeks.
Beautiful! As a mom nursing three, I absolutely love this photo. I wish you a wonderful birth and the joys of tandem nursing to follow.
Absolutely beautiful It’s such a shame that this photo got taken down but there is trash everywhere on facebook. People just need to realize that a picture like this is way more beautiful than anything in the world. <3
Yes…it’s “like” art, but there are creepos out there that love pictures like this. I could never be so bold to have such a personal photo so easily accessible.
Mrs. BWF
“Creepos” can get off by looking at a hand. People are very uneducated on this topic (well many topics).
Just stunning – beautiful mama & baby! And congratulations on 4 boys, that’s so special!
Beautiful pic.. thank you for sharing 🙂
This is so beautiful! I miss the bonding between my daughter and I before I dried up. I wish I would have found this forum sooner. It really inspires me to try breast feeding even harder for my next child. The support and love is all a new mother needs. She just needs to hear she’s doing a good job. So thank you.
Quick simply stunning. What it represents is even more stunning!!! Breathtaking all of it! I hope to be there one day!!! Still lots of BF for my 11 month old daughter and hope to BF her to at least 2yrs and the rest is up to her! Thanks brave and beautiful mamma!
Eric Miner
First of all, I am appalled that Facebook would make you remove something so beautiful and precious, but there is nothing more tantalizing than a expectant Mother in all her glory, love you for sharing this?