This is my wonderful midwife! I was SO upset about being induced with my third and last baby at 42 weeks. It felt like the longest induction ever. This pic was taken after almost 20 hours of labor and still only 2-3 cm. I caved against my desire for natural birth and ended up with an epidural 2 hours later. My midwife was wonderful and supportive of me and helped me to process my grief after things didnt go the way I had planned.
Now I work as a labor nurse with her at our local hospital. This picture shows so much beauty about that night! She is so gentle with all her patients. Picture is from my best friend Melissa with Moments In Time Photography.
Thanks for doing what you do! I love your blog and it empowers me as a labor nurse, a woman, and a mother!! No room for fear!!!:-)
{Jazz in MN}
I love how this pic shows her immense capacity for compassion and support. You are a wonderful mama, nurse, and friend, Jazz! 🙂
Marie Babcock
Ahh…I always wonder what is the definition of a “natural birth.” I think that my doc thought he delivered my firstborn “naturally”—-twilight sleep of some sort (drug was not listed on any of my hospital records), large episiotomy (3rd degree or I tore that much), and forceps. Our baby boy was not handed to me (no distress, just pitiful crying). I was told to keep my hands off my belly and absolutely no reaching for baby’s head during labor. Is it any wonder they knocked me out in lithotomy position, hands and legs securely strapped down? [This was exactly what my grandma, born in 1918, warned me about!] It is natural to need relief from pain. If back rubs, hot tubs, or bear hugs and dancing cannot do it, then absolutely do the natural thing and get the epidural. So glad you got to be awake for your baby’s birth!