This is a birth video of still pictures and video footage. They start labor at home and transfer to the hospital. The cesarean birth pictures are amazing along with the footage of mom and baby having skin to skin time RIGHT after the surgery. I recommend that even if you are planning a home birth, be informed about he possibility of a cesarean birth. If it does happen, you can still have a supportive, empowering experience. Read this for more information.
Sent in by Miranday. Rory’s Birth. Enjoy…
*Birth story to come.
Wonderful music! What are the songs? (I know the last one)
Shelley Dobbin (Beautiful Birth)
JUST BEAUTIFUL! My eyes are filled with tears! HAPPY TEARS!
Our son is named Rory too!
I love the skin to skin! So sad that this is not the norm though.
So happy you were respected!
Audrey Egan
Wow! This was like watching a video (if there had been one!) of the birth of my first son. Thank you so much for sharing this! I feel like I could feel your exact emotions in the pictures with your husband, before they took you into the OR. I am crying tears of happiness and sadness all at once. Hope you are feeling well and enjoying your new family :)!
Thank you for your kind comments – this is my video! 🙂 I’m so glad it has ressonated with people – for a time there I felt like my story wasn’t worth sharing because it wasn’t the homebirth I had planned. It took a lot of time to process this birth as it was filled with a lot of conflictions – pride, joy, triumph, but also disappointment, grief and profound sense of loss. I was heartbroken that I did not get my beautiful, peaceful homebirth that I’d dreamed of obsessively for the majority of the pregnancy. But, I’ve come to accept it and have realised that I still got the birth I wanted with only a couple of exceptions; he was born via cesarean and he was born in a hospital. But, he was also born on my terms, there was no feeling of powerlessness at the hands of an outsider, and for a large part of my labour, I had that beautiful intimacy I craved – just me, my partner and my baby. I really felt the deep love, trust and connection between my partner and I during that peaceful time. I’m so glad I have this footage and all the photos my doula took to cast me back to that experience because it was truly life-changing. And while I have moments of regret that things didn’t go as planned, it was still beautiful and perfect in it’s own right.
Rebecca Rodriguez
Please don’t EVER feel like your story isn’t important! There are those of us who went through similar situations that need to hear that we’re not alone! And there are great things about your story that are still encouraging, even if they aren’t perfect. <3 It was TOTALLY worth sharing and I'm glad you did! thank you!!
You’re right of course, and what’s better is I know it now! It’s taken a while, but it’s helped to share my story and talk things thorugh with people who understand. If I ever get pregnant again (unlikely, but you never know!), I’d STILL go through it all again, just to prove to myself I can do it! I still feel like I can (I haven’t had anyone tell me I can’t, so why not?!).
wow, so powerful. As I head into my second home birth (any day now) ending with a csection is truly my worst fear. I was much more open minded the first time, and now that I’ve experienced a home birth, I want another one, and if I can’t have that for whatever reason I will be heart broken. Your video has helped release a bit of that fear, and I thank you for that.
I would also love to know the names of the songs on the video 🙂
I don’t know them all as my doula made this video for me, but I do know a couple of them. One is called The Story by Brandi Carlile, one is by Rob Thomas and is called Little Wonders. Not sure on the rest, will get back to you!
That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing!