• AMAZING Footling Breech Cesarean Birth Photos

    I literally GASPED when I saw these pictures. “These photos are from the breech cesarean birth that I photographed on Thursday. The doctors and hospital were extremely generous and allowed me to photograph the entire birth as baby came out. Mom has given me permission to share.   This was far from her initial home birth plan, but this super Mom…

  • Faith Centered Hospital VBAC

    The following are exerpts from one mother’s VBAC journey. “…I had always been a little disappointed that I had to have a c-section with Travis.  For no other reason than pride I think.  I knew that I was a mother no matter the method of delivery and that no gold stars are handed out based on how they came out…

  • Balance in Motherhood…A Mother vs. the World

    I was in emotional turmoil today. After texting with my sister who has no children (yet) about how hard her life is, I started thinking about all I would do if I was single or had no children. I mean, seriously, I could sleep in, work out, go back to school, go to the coffee shop and read for hours on…

  • A Million Ways to be a Good Mother

    I remember the reaction I had when I first read this quote long ago. With all the ‘mommy wars‘ on social media and division among women (which makes me deeply sad), this quote sums up how I feel so simply. There is no perfect way to be a mother, but my goodness there are a million ways to be a good…

  • Promote What You Love…

    When I first saw the quote “Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate”, it completely resonated with me. It’s tempting to go off on things I am passionate about. However, this quote makes me think twice (often), before posting or sharing anything. I think following this principle and guidline helps (at least me) to focus on what…

  • A Military Homecoming

    You may have seen Ashley and her family on the BWF Blog before. Her birth story and pictures are amazing! They are a beautiful family. What you may not have known is Ashley’s husband and father of her children is a US Navy SEAL. I know we have a lot of amazing military families that follow BWF and we love you…

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