• Breastfeeding a Surrogate Baby

    Alison sent me this beautiful picture of her nursing her surrogate baby she birthed for a couple. She says, “This photo was taken when my third surrogate son was 2 days old. His daddies asked that I nurse him while we were in the hospital together. I now exclusively pump and ship my milk to him.” She is an amazing,…

  • Breastfeeding After a Reduction

    Can a woman breastfeed after having a breast reduction? Danialle shares her experience doing just that. “Your website is beautiful and touching. My daughter is 3 1/2, but reading this made me go back and revisit her birth and all the love and fear I had! The one thing I’m so glad I did, but wished I had your website…

  • Birthday Celebration of a VBAC

    So last night, I get this email from the beautiful Mae Burke, “Tomorrow is my friend, Chelsea’s, baby girl’s birthday. Her first was an unneccesarian, and the second was an HBAC. January, every single day she got on BWF, scowering the pages for info.” So I of course click on the links she sent me and literally got goosebumps from…

  • Baby Blues vs. PPD

    This is a guest blog post by Jennie from More Than Rubies. “Here is my blog post on my experience with PPD.  After I posted it, I had a lot of moms tell me they didn’t even know they had PPD until they read it, and that it helped them to talk to their husbands.  It’s brought a lot of…

  • Beautiful Birth Story Told by 34 Gorgeous Pictures

    Andie W. has been kind enough to share her sacred birth pictures with the BWF Community. Christie Lacy Photography did a wonderful job capturing the hard work, determination, faith and beauty of BIRTH… This may be my favorite… The shadow in the background is her belly cast… “This is a picture of my newborn, Canyon, in his belly cast. I…

  • Video: Planned Homebirth Transfer to Gentle Cesarean

    This is a birth video of still pictures and video footage. They start labor at home and transfer to the hospital. The cesarean birth pictures are amazing along with the footage of mom and baby having skin to skin time RIGHT after the surgery. I recommend that even if you are planning a home birth, be informed about he possibility…

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