• Medication-Free Hospital Birth

    Elizabeth Turner shares the story of her empowering medication-free hospital birth. Since having my daughter Avery two years ago, I spent a great deal of time thinking of how I would have changed my birth experience. Watching my sisters birth their daughters after me, and numerous friends do the same, I had come up with a small list of things I…

  • Adorable and Convenient Fluff {SoftBums Cloth Diapers}

    We have cloth diapered and used disposables. With six kids you end up doing many different things depending on the child, your budget, and where you are in life. With our youngest (beardbaby) we have mostly used sposies just because we are so busy and traveling a lot. But when SoftBums asked us to try their diapers and inserts, including…

  • Birth Without Fear Is Wording It Perfectly

    Submitted by Brenna. Birth without fear is wording it perfectly. I gave birth to my son 10 days ago. I  told myself going into the entire experience, “Don’t be afraid. God made our bodies to do this. You’re stronger than you know!” 31+ hours of active excruciating labor, throwing up the entire time with back labor 1/2 way through. But, I was…

  • The Proudest Moment of My Existence!

    When I found out I was expecting, I was honestly the most scared I’ve ever been in my whole life. I wanted a hospital, pain meds, and thought whatever could go wrong would. Giving birth was going to be painful and awful. After educating my self and learning to trust my body through birth classes, I changed my birth plan…

  • She is Love: Ellie’s Birth Story

    You and your sister are sleeping soundly and I thought I had better start writing your story before I forget everything. You, Ellie Anna, are a precious gift and your dad and I love you so much. The Lord was so gracious to us in how He brought you into the world. We found out we were pregnant with you…

  • Empowering VBAC from Dad’s POV

    Part II of a beautiful VBAC story, as told by Elspeth Ridout McCormick’s husband.  Elspeth had been having contractions all month, really. They would come in the evenings, mostly, and then they would stop around bedtime. This Friday, though, the contractions didn’t stop. Elspeth had them throughout dinner, and as the night got a little later we started to wonder…

  • Empowering VBAC from Mom’s POV

    A beautiful VBAC birth story, as told by Elspeth Ridout McCormick. Like all VBAC stories, the story of my daughter’s birth really starts with her big brother’s birth. In 2012, we were expecting our first child. We took Bradley classes, practiced relaxation techniques, followed the Bradley diet, and took yoga classes and nightly walks to stay fit. My water broke…

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