• A Birth Photographers First Home Birth Experience

    “I wanted to share this series of images with you for several reasons. This was my first experience with any birth outside of a “typical” hospital setting. I must admit that I was terribly nervous about it! Not only was it an at home water birth, but it was only my 3rd birth to photograph. I thought I was more…

  • Showing Love and Support to All

    I once shared this picture with a great response (and I adore it). I have blogged about supporting all women in their birthing choices and emowering births, no matter what that means to them. I also recently shared this picture on Facebook… The chaos that followed was insane. How can I share this picture? What am I saying? Aren’t I…

  • Newborn Photography; Red

    I don’t even remember how I came across Wild Spirit as they don’t just do newborn/maternity photography. But I’m so glad I did. I started featuring their pics on the BWF FB page. I just love her style. Like this one. “THIS gorgeous little chub….baby number 5 for his family…and the first boy!” ~Wild Spirit

  • VBAC Ban? Say What?

    Mandy took this fun, messy picture of her 3 year old, who is not only adorable, but was also her VBA2C baby. So why not add a caption to make a point? 😉 “There is a VBAC Ban in the hospital of the town we just moved to last week. It happens to be the same hospital where I ended…

  • HBA2C Cord Pic Preview

    My awesome friend Ruthie just attended an HBA2C of a patient, beautiful mama. She is writing up her birth story to share with BWF followers soon. Here is another sneak peek at her amazing birth. This picture is incredible. The baby is half in mom, half in the world. Midwife peacefully and gently unlooping the cord. No stress or worries.…

  • Brag About It

    “There is no other organ quite like the uterus. If men had such an organ they would brag about it. So should we.” ~Ina May Gaskin Picture used with permission by Sophia’s Special Deliveries. Image made by Ruthie Davis.

  • Breastfeeding at 12,500 Feet!

    Kiersten sent in this badass breastfeeding picture of her friend nursing her 2 month old at over 12,000 feet! She says, “He was born at home at 7,500 feet  (we live in Colorado). A lot of the passes here to get anywhere are over 10,000 feet, so it only seems to affect people coming from sea level.” Baby is well…

  • Mothering the Mother: 40 Days of Rest

    “The role of the midwife is to be mother to the mother.” (Unknown) We’ve all heard that ‘all that matters is a healthy baby’. We hear it before we give birth, and we hear it after. We hear it when a mother’s had a cesarean and a subsequent infection, when she has Post-Partum Depression and when she is reeling from…

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