• The Harshe Podcast – Episode #7: Homeless and Pregnant

    January Harshe's birth story of baby #5! She and husband Brandon recount the multiple moves, financial hardships, and sheer stress surrounding The Bull's pregnancy. Somehow they survived the stress of that time period and moved on, but at the time it didn't feel like they would. Also, check out the Birth Hour podcast on Tuesday, September 5 to hear january's…

  • PPD, PTSD and Antenatal Depression: Nutrition and Research…What Helps?

    Postpartum depression, antenatal depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder related to birth are multi-faceted, complicated illnesses that can be caused by a number of different things.  While some experts propose that these things have physical causes, others report psychological factors as the main cause.  And others, like myself (although I would not consider myself an expert), believe it could be a…

  • Dealing With Cesarean Scars

    Rebecca shares a beautiful reflection on her c-section scarring. I don’t actively go out of my way to look at my scar. I don’t hide its existence, but I just don’t fuss over it either. It is there, under a little flap on my tummy, hiding until I straighten myself out to peer at it in the mirror. I didn’t…

  • Sweet Ellie-Boy

    We discovered we were pregnant with you in November of 2014. Your sister was to be turning two years old then and although we had been determined for her to be an only child, we were excited to be bringing you into the world. Our joyousness was quickly squashed by fears from the outcome of our last pregnancy. I was…

  • I Am Strong {Emily Weber}

    I am strong because at the age of 19, my husband and I became pregnant with our first child. I am strong because at our first ultrasound we were told that our son would be born with “myelomeningocele”. The most common and most severe form of Spina Bifida. I am strong because on July 05, 2011, I went in for a…

  • The Kowalli Joey Jacket {Review}

    We recently had the pleasure of checking out this brand new jacket designed specifically for all stages of motherhood. What we discovered is the Kowalli Joey Jacket does have some unique features unlike other pieces of outerwear you may have tried or looked into. You are able to wear it starting in pregnancy as a maternity jacket. It then converts to…

  • Mother Mental Illness {Post Partum Depression}

    This continues to be something not discussed enough, but needs to be more and more. Please take a listen and share with a mother who has gone through Post Partum Depression (or other similar things). This podcast interview with Mary from Pretty Pushers​ and Dr. Lisa Duggan from Clemson University discussed the risks and signs of Maternal Mental Illness, and the holes…

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