I am strong because at the age of 19, my husband and I became pregnant with our first child. I am strong because at our first ultrasound we were told that our son would be born with “myelomeningocele”. The most common and most severe form of Spina Bifida. I am strong because on July 05, 2011, I went in for a…
A Healing Surgical Birth
In 2009 (with my first pregnancy) I didn’t know how to navigate the system and advocate for myself. I knew I wanted a vaginal birth. And since everyone one of my family members have had successful pregnancies and deliveries I knew it was obvious I would too. So when I found myself very pregnant nearly 43 weeks with ruptured membranes…
Next Time I Will Call the Shots – VBAC Home Water Birth {With Pictures}
With my first child I was forced into a c-section and never given the opportunity to labor! The story is that I was 39 weeks, and was told at 40 weeks we would have an ultrasound, schedule an induction, and go from there. Well it turned out my OB NEVER scheduled the induction but rather scheduled a c-section. We went in thinking I…
I Am Strong Because I Am FREE!!
I am strong because three months after my husband and I got married, we found out we were pregnant, and at 12 weeks, we lost the baby. I am strong because after three months of waiting to try again, we found out we were pregnant for the second time, but at six weeks, I miscarried again. I am strong because…
Ladies & Gentlemen, Husbands & Wives, Mothers & Fathers: We Are Strong
I am Strong because I waited until the age of 32 to have my first child. I am Strong because I saw our would-be son one day looking up at me holding onto the knee of the man who became the love of my life at the age of 28. Dream became Reality. I am Strong because as the youngest…
Infertility, Twins And A Healing, Compassionate Cesarean Birth Photographed in OR
I met Tara late in her third trimester when she contacted me about birth photography. We met at her house and as I walked through the door, I liked her immediately. She is a dancer; and their home was filled with music, art, and lots of love. I knew it would be a beautiful birth experience, and I was grateful…
Chaos. Life. Birth. {A Pretty Pushers Mama}
Ever had your house robbed, car stolen, an emergency c-section, an emergency scar eruption, and a move to New York City within a matter of days? This is the story of our dear friend, Lisa Berger, President of Cranial Cradle. She wrote it as she re-lived it. She comes out feeling nothing but gratitude. You are one strong chick, mama! – Pretty…
Emergency C-Section Picture {Husband Support in the OR}
My second born son, Ryder, was brought into the world via emergency c-section due to low fluid and complications at 34 weeks gestational age- 6 weeks premature. I went in for a routine appointment and ultrasound around 9am the morning of October 5, 2011. He was not moving or responding to outside stimulation, his heart rate was dropping every few…
I Am Strong – Cesarean Birth After Neonatal Loss
*trigger warning* I am strong because in April of 2012, I gave birth to a precious baby girl named Evelyn, prematurely at 24 weeks due to incompetent cervix, premature labor, and infection. I am strong because I endured a frightening classical c-section 4 hours after entering the hospital with a smile on my face, knowing it was the best chance…