My fourth baby, an attempted VBA2C, left me with my final scar of childbirth. After 3 premature deliveries, progesterone shots allowed me to carry to 38 weeks 6 days. Labour began on its own and after a stalled labour, forehead presentation and Bandels Ring I delivered by a calm and quiet c-section, the final chapter in my family’s growth. I…
A Cesarean for Breech Birth with Video
In the early days of my pregnancy, back when I was an un-crunchy as could be, my husband told me I wasn’t going to get an epidural. Told me. He was on the other side of the world serving the last couple months of his tour in Iraq and I was in sunny Hawaii, where we were stationed at the…
VBAC Plan Turns into a Healing Repeat C-Section
I had a very traumatic cesarean section birth with my first son. He was induced at 39 weeks because of my rising blood pressure and labor progressed uneventfully. I had an epidural and got to the pushing stage, but he got stuck in my pelvis after pushing for 3 hours. I was terrified of the surgery but the doctors assured…
A Much-Desired VBAC with a Supportive ObGyn
The stories of my children’s births are both my worst and best day ever. My son was born February 26, 2011. I had wanted a natural childbirth, unfortunately that did not come close to what I got. I was called by my midwife on the 23rd, stating that she had concerns regarding some of my blood work and said that…
Birth of Twins {Baby B-Birth in OR before CS}
A few days after finding out I was having twins, I began mourning the loss of my birth experience. Dramatic? Probably. But as a Doula and at the time, prospective, Childbirth Educator, and someone who’s frankly quite terrified of needles, I knew that medication, needles, scalpels and augmentation were not for me. Coming to terms with the possibility that my…
Twins Born at 27 Weeks {A Mother’s Story of the NICU and Coping}
My twin boys were due August 28, 2012. They were born June 1, 2012, 13 weeks early. I had a doctor appointment that morning. I was so excited because it was an ultrasound appointment and I was going to get to see my little boogers. I met with the doctor after the appointment and he kept me a little longer because…
A Midwife-Assisted Cesarean for Breech Rainbow Twins Complete with Skin to Skin
After a year of trying to conceive without success I saw a doctor and was diagnosed with PCOS. A year later I conceived with our first round of fertility injections and IUI. We were beyond excited…we ordered a crib the same day I got the call about my blood test! Sadly, I miscarried at 6 weeks. But our little one…
An Empowering and Healing Cesarean Section
My first pregnancy was one that was mostly good, but the bad was very bad. I had extremely bad swelling. So bad I thought my skin would split open by the end of my workday. And the carpal tunnel was sheer misery. At eight months pregnant, the beginning of October 2008, I had cortisone shots in my hands to make…
“There was no fear” {Preemie Cesarean Birth}
“I wanted to share my story because I thought it would help make an impact on your fans and hit home your message of “birth without fear.”” – Megan, His Middle Name I had an extremely difficult pregnancy due to a fibroid tumor, but still managed to find the beauty in all of it. With every episode of bleeding and each…