January and Brandon talk meditation today! Brandon goes into how meditation has changed his entire outlook on life despite having bipolar II disorder and January explains how meditation has helped her as well. Also, Brandon has an “ah ha!” moment when he realizes how meditative sex can be! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast…
My Three-Year Postpartum
"I attended regular therapy sessions. My therapist knew that I was struggling, but I don’t think that even she knew the extent of the pain I was in mentally. I think the anxiety had become so bad that I didn’t know how to properly express how bad it was."
My Story Isn’t the Typical One: Overcoming Postpartum Depression & Anxiety
I had a very quick birth. My second baby was almost born on the interstate in the middle of the night. I was on the phone with my OB screaming that her head was almost out. As soon as I got into a room and managed to make a phone call to my birth photographer, she was out and screaming.…
Labor in the Shower, Babywearing, & Anxiety is a Liar
In case you missed our Instagram this past week… Oh my goodness, this moment is everything! Mama emotions, her baby on his way to her chest, her best friend (behind) and her husband (to the right) celebrating. Wow. ❤ Incredible moment captured by @zuralagardebirth. _ P.S. if you didn’t see: @findyourvillage Calgary, Ottawa, Indianapolis, New Jersey, and Stillwater Oklahoma are…
From The Darkness Into The Light {A Story Of Postnatal Depression}
Here is my PND story. Well, the early days. If someone had sat me down and told me that the days and weeks following the birth of my baby were going to be harder than giving birth to a 4210g baby at home, drug-free, I’d have told them they were crazy and sent them on their way! We made it though…
“I figured this was just how things were supposed to be.” {A Story Of Postpartum Depression}
I know that postpartum depression isn’t something that people LOVE to talk about. It’s uncomfortable for so many reasons. Some people like to carry on as if it doesn’t exist and harass and insult women struggling with it. For some reason, there is an extra stigma attached to it. Having depression is ‘acceptable’ but having postpartum depression isn’t, apparently. People…
I am NOT Okay, and THAT’S Okay
One of the most (out of many) horrible things about having post-partum depression (PPD) is the silent battle you are constantly fighting, against yourself, alone, while at the same time hoping like crazy that nobody notices that you might be unhappy/stressed/overwhelmed/anxious/you name it. I’m always nervous for people to randomly drop by my house for a visit should they happen…
What is Important?
We’ve all heard it and said it…’it goes too fast’. Also, ‘life is too short’. Do we act on those statements though? Do we realize the impact and consequences of what we decide is important today? Our family has grown in size very rapidly and I have found myself missing the laid back mama I once was (just a few…