• A Few Birth Videos…

    Karla sent me her birth video and pictures to share with you. So gorgeous and can be found here. Also, Alison sent me her last two birth videos, both incredibly inspiring! Here is her first one. It was her 6th baby. She says, “My labor was 43 hours long and I love that these photos captured how much love and…

  • 2 Videos to Inspire You for Your Birth

    I am getting more into watching birth videos as I am somewhere around 30 weeks. This is when my confidence starts building up as I start to focus more on my upcoming birth. Here are a few videos I watched this week that I just love. This mama used Hypnobabies techniques to trust birth and stay peaceful and calm. She…

  • 4 Great Birth Videos

    Great raw home birth video! This video is so great! Pics of mama through pregnancy, her mother’s blessingway, laboring and birthing with her other children present. I cried when the mama holds her baby for the first time. OK, just one more. This one is just…rad. I love how the video is done. You can see pics, read more about…

  • Breech Does NOT Equal C-Section

    I have written before how a breech baby is another variation of normal. Having a breech presentation does not mean you automatically need to schedule a c-section. Remember, our babies are wise and know just how they need to be for birth. Most of the time, babies will turn, even late in pregnancy and labor!!!  You can read my other…

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