• My Three-Year Postpartum

    "I attended regular therapy sessions. My therapist knew that I was struggling, but I don’t think that even she knew the extent of the pain I was in mentally. I think the anxiety had become so bad that I didn’t know how to properly express how bad it was."

  • Educated & Empowered: A Home Water Birth

    My birth story begins a few years before my son was even conceived! While my husband, Jeff, and I were dating we discussed children multiple times. We both knew that we wanted to have kids but I remember clearly telling him that I thought I wanted to adopt since my fear of childbirth was too big. My husband is adopted…

  • Embracing the Unexpected: Akash’s Birth Story

    Life has a funny way of taking what we plan and completely turning it on its head. Akash’s birth was no exception to this rule. Throughout 2016, William and I had taken several leaps of faith. However, even in the midst of moving hectically four times, navigating an unexpected job change for William, and rolling with life’s other twists and…

  • Full-Term Breastfeeding

    I want to share a picture with you all. This was taken on August 19th, 2015 – the day Jack turned 5…the 5th anniversary of our breastfeeding journey. When he was born, I had educated myself a lot about breastfeeding and knew that I was going to do it—I was going to succeed—it was the normal and optimal food for…

  • Breastfeeding After a C-Section

    There is a general trending increase in C-sections. Some women are choosing to while others have to through necessity. Whatever the reason, childbirth is an amazing experience and should be celebrated whether it is a vaginal birth or a C-section. Can a woman breastfeed after a C-section? The short answer is yes she can. We have come up with a few…

  • Reality of Breastfeeding…Where are the Rainbows?

    Let’s talk about breastfeeding for a moment. While it would be wonderful if all babies magically nursed perfectly, well…they don’t. Similar to pregnancy, birth, and motherhood…. breastfeeding is another life lesson that can push us to our limits. It’s a *journey* all of its own. Out of six children, I have nursed four. I’ve also used formula, pumped (a lot),…

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