• I Am Strong – MoMo Twins

    I am strong, because the day the test finally said, “Schwanger” (pregnant) was the best day of my life. I am strong, because I had a solid plan for a natural pregnancy and birth. I am strong, because my seven week ultrasound showed two heart beats, but only one amniotic sac. I am strong, because for two horrible weeks they…

  • I Am Strong – Because of Hudson

    I am strong, because I was told I would never have children. I am strong, because I have Endometriosis, PCOS, and Lupus. I am strong, because in 2013 I became pregnant. I am strong, because throughout my pregnancy I was hospitalized numerous times for problems stemming from lupus. I am strong, because a week before my due date I had…

  • I Am Strong – A Premature Birth Story

    I had my birth completely planned out to the smallest detail: I had a midwife, a birth center, a natural birth plan. Everything was perfect. At six weeks until my due date I woke up to my water being broken, I had to rush to the nearest hospital without my midwife and with all plans going out the window.  My…

  • I Am Strong – VBAC Without Fear

    There are a number of reasons why I am strong. At 17 I became pregnant. At three months pregnant and only a few weeks after my 18th birthday, my daughter’s father threw me out. I felt like garbage – abandoned and alone. How would I raise a child just out of high school? I am strong because I picked myself…

  • I Am Strong {Emily Weber}

    I am strong because at the age of 19, my husband and I became pregnant with our first child. I am strong because at our first ultrasound we were told that our son would be born with “myelomeningocele”. The most common and most severe form of Spina Bifida. I am strong because on July 05, 2011, I went in for a…

  • I Am Strong {SPD and Gallbladder}

    I am strong because I started developing an unexplainable pain in my legs when I was only six weeks pregnant with my first child. I am strong because I had to go through two doctors, two chiropractors, and twelve weeks of increasing pain before a chiropractor identified the area causing problems (my pubic symphysis) and I found the actual diagnosis online…

  • I Am Strong Because I Am FREE!!

    I am strong because three months after my husband and I got married, we found out we were pregnant, and at 12 weeks, we lost the baby. I am strong because after three months of waiting to try again, we found out we were pregnant for the second time, but at six weeks, I miscarried again. I am strong because…

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