In case you missed the Birth Without Fear Instagram this past week… Goodnight friends. “This is love. The most profound, squishy, sleepy love you’ve ever known… and it smells like heaven.”
@mamasolbirth _ #baby #newborn #birthwithoutfear #oxytocinvibes #postpartum #takebackpostpartum A post shared by Birth Without Fear™ (@birthwithoutfear) on Jun 24, 2017 at 7:33pm PDT
weekend mood & oxytocin…
Proud of My Scar
When I posted this picture last week, I had no idea that it would have had the impact it has. I never thought I would share the picture but something made me post it. Little did I know that one picture on my Instagram (with only 200 or so followers may I add) would have been liked and shared thousands…
Being a Mama — With an Eating Disorder
(Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Judy Tsuei of Meditations for Mamas.) When I was 17, I developed an eating disorder though I didn’t quite know what was happening. What I did know was that my home life was increasingly chaotic and my sensitive nature couldn’t handle it. Somehow, my brain found a sense of control however it…
33 Things You ALWAYS Want to Say to (or Do for) a Pregnant Woman
There are plenty of things you never want to say to a pregnant mama (not unless you want to risk a throat punch). However, what about things you DO want to say to a pregnant mama? Here is a list of safe comments you are allowed to make to a pregnant mama. Please read carefully. 1.) “You’re glowing!” 2.) “I’m…
Positive Support for Pregnant Mamas with Breech Babies
I have written before how a breech baby is another variation of normal. Having a breech presentation does not mean you automatically need to schedule a c-section. Remember, our babies are wise and know just how they need to be for birth. Most of the time, babies will turn, even late in pregnancy and labor!!! You can read my other…
33 Comments to Never Make to a Pregnant Woman
After recently reposting 10 Stupid Things You Never Want to Say to a Pregnant Mama on Facebook, we received a flood of comments of more stupid things you never want to say to a pregnant mama. If you are pregnant, pass this on to all the non-pregnant people in your life. It just might save their life…or at the very least…
A Story Of Empowered Birthing
I have been following January and BWF for a few months now. Your Blog and Facebook page really helped me through the last part of my second pregnancy. I was diagnosed with GD and had to deal with switching insurance at 36 weeks to a non-supportive insurance. The second half of my second pregnancy was the start of fear, anxiety,…
When Patience in a Home Birth Pays Off…
“I just wanted to thank all of you for the support and encouragement you gave be here! I had a wonderful home birth and was so glad I choose not to go to the hospital.
I had back labor, ‘failure to progress’, and a ‘too large’ malpositioned baby. So if I had not chosen home birth it would have…
Home Birth Announcement and Picture: Post Dates, Fast Labor & Great Support!
I just love Katelyn. She has been a BWF follower for some time. I love her awesome, fun, and beautiful self. She’s a talented photographer with a unique and special style, and hass generously shared pictures for the BWF Blog! So…I was very excited to receive this email from her. Congrats mama! I just wanted to share with you…